RE: Partner

Hi, I am single, but one option to allay the suspicions would be to have a photo of the couple together on the profile, with the non-nudist dressed. The caption could read "my partner and I (he/she) is not a nudist". Or failing that an explanation in the profile saying that my partner is unwilling to have her photos on here due to his or her job or beliefs.

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

My wife and I travel to nudist places together but she is a kind of take it or leave it nudist. She is comfortable with or without clothes. I like to be nude all the time. We had a naked wedding at a resort where she wore a beautflul wedding dress and I wore nothing at all.

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

To be a to be a 'True Nudist', with a 'couple' profile, you have to show a nude picture of the couple with their logon name. My wife did not want to have her nude photo on the site. So I had no choice but select the 'Male' profile. I do say in my profile we are a couple and married.... so there....
I think this may apply to many other people as well. To make only a few assumptions such as what started this thread may be a bit judgmental.

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I have married listed in my profile, and male only the reason ??? I am married with a lovely man !
stay nude ! Hans

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

Answer is simple: I'm married and nudist, my wife enjoy being nude with me in private but does not call herself nudist. In order to get the "true nudist" status I can only do it as a Male, not Couple. I would prefer Couple but I can't force her... I believe that the pb withmajority ofmarried men having "male" profile, otherwise they would not say that they are married

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RE: Bump to remove spam

Borrowing this thread momentarily....

* Please stop posting to MILF even to say flagged. Just FLAG the profile. I'm TRYING to bounce it off the home page!!!!

Sorry for the interruption, now back to our regularly scheduled topic...

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

It's obviuous to most people the reasons but to honest, my wife isn't a nudist. So What? She dos'nt like golfing either. Should she be expected to play. We all do our own thing and we alot of things together. Nudism is not widley accepted but should I suffer because my wife doesn't go along? Since when does nudism have anything to do with cheating. Are U saying there is sex involved? People that think that way are NOT true nudists! Married men that have MALE ONLY profiles are nothing but honest. Something to think about

Please read post #58 and #109

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

I don't mean to beat a dead horse here, but John TN (Post 151) is correct. In order to be a certified "True Nudist" you need to have one clothed pic and one nude pic. So in order to be listed as a couple, she needs to be nude with me and my wife flat out will not do that. Even if I could have gotten her to do the pics to certify, she has no interest in any social networking sites or computers for that matter. She spends as little time as possible even to check email. Nothing to hide on my end, it's all on her end. While she sleep nude, and will be nude with me at home sometimes and even occasionally the beach if it is not busy, that's the limit at what her nudism is and honestly if there was stubbonness contest between her and a mule, the mule would give up. With that all being said, because she trusts me, she is fine with me going to nudist events, resorts on day trips or even nude beaches alone and that is something that many married men can't say. So after 19 years of marraige although I wish she was enjoying the social nudist lifestyle with me, i'm not going to let it split us up so I'm good with it.
Unfortunately, there are many men (and even some women) who are not being totally truthful in their profiles and many may be hiding something, but it's like that on every social networking site.

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RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

I listed myself as married ,my wife like a lot is a none nudist but she was ok with us taking a photo together me nude her dressed to show that iam married and not singel saying i was married

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