RE: Canadian vs american beer

Can't tell where they're from by the name anymore. Even my Irish beer, Guinness Stout, is made in Canada. When I'm not drinking an American craft beer or a Guinness, you'll find me choosing Labatt Blue over Budweiser/Miller/Coors products though.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Hope I don't start a beer war here, but being from Canada, I drink Canadian by Molsens, I find Canadian beer to be somewhat stronger than American beer and I have tried many American brands. Even American beer brewed in Canada, Coors, Bud, etc., seemed to be brewed under the Canadian standards and are stronger than their American Counter parts. I have also drank Blue(Canadian brand)in California and it has the distinctive taste and strength of American beer. Nor trying to start a war here, LOL bur looking for American input to this. Have my taste buds been spoiled?YES WAR YOU DID START, LOL, I'm Canadian too, Mex/Can, so I like to drink and if you go by brands is not much there in any country, now micro brew, you can find amazing things.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Canada makes a beer?!?! Haven't tried a Canadian beer that I know of. Still like Diesel Punk Porter for a quiet, peaceful evening.LOL, What? lol, I'm Canadian.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Canada used to make beer that was uniformly stronger in taste and alcohol content than American Corporate swill. I'm American, I can say that. However, that is not really the case any more and hasn't been for a while. American specialty beers and craft brews are among the best in the world; perhaps not as high in specific alcohol but as tasty as any Euro or Canadian beer.
No disrespect meant, Molson is very good.
WOW, A lady with beer knoladge! very impresive, I will ask you to marry me but my 2 husbands will not be to happy LOL.

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