Canadian vs american beer

Hope I don't start a beer war here, but being from Canada, I drink Canadian by Molsens, I find Canadian beer to be somewhat stronger than American beer and I have tried many American brands. Even American beer brewed in Canada, Coors, Bud, etc., seemed to be brewed under the Canadian standards and are stronger than their American Counter parts. I have also drank Blue(Canadian brand)in California and it has the distinctive taste and strength of American beer. Nor trying to start a war here, LOL bur looking for American input to this. Have my taste buds been spoiled?

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

LoL! Canadian beer is not strong compared to American IPA"S and Pale ale"s craft beers.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Canada makes a beer?!?! Haven't tried a Canadian beer that I know of. Still like Diesel Punk Porter for a quiet, peaceful evening.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

It seems many of my vacations have been spent in Canada's remote areas, and one thing I look forward to when traveling there is the beer. It's always been more potent and more flavorful (not to mention decent size cans). But I agree, with the upswing in craft breweries here in the USA, we've created our own little beer drinker's heaven. These beers can go head-to-head with any others, and the major corporate breweries are running scared at the losses they've encountered to the point that they are trying to buy up as many micro and craft breweries as they can. People just want better tasting beer.
As a side note; I'm a home brewer and have recently switched from American 2 row to Canadian 2 row for my base malt. It seems to ferment better and give a higher alcohol-by-volume. Maybe Canada had a leg up to start with because of better malt grains?? :)

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Canada used to make beer that was uniformly stronger in taste and alcohol content than American Corporate swill. I'm American, I can say that. However, that is not really the case any more and hasn't been for a while. American specialty beers and craft brews are among the best in the world; perhaps not as high in specific alcohol but as tasty as any Euro or Canadian beer.
No disrespect meant, Molson is very good.
The average alcohol content in Amereican craft beers is over 6%. So I would say Canadian beer is not even close to that. It just tastes stronger compared to lite beers like Coors, Bud ect...

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Having lived most of my life on the Canadian border, I must agree with Alwaysnaked. In my youth, we never brought beer with us when visiting Canada, we always bought it there because it was stronger and better than what you could get in the States, Molsen Export for example. Since the craft beer boom here, I prefer to bring beer with me on trips to Canada.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

Canada has some good beer but I'll say that American craft beer is getting a lot better!
I enjoy beer, no matter what country it is from!

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

The Op is talking about mainstream brands and then the arguement goes on to american craft and suddenly the OP is classed as wrong!
You can't compare mainstream to craft! period!
Alexander Keiths is you Canadian offering for this! Are you guys flipping insane!?
The explosion of craft in Canada is huge, and accounts for the fastest growing segment in beer consumption.
I've tried the American Sierra nevada pale ale, and it is dire! Sure it has a nice pleasant taste, but it is weakly flavoured! heck there are several canadian pales better! I offer up Black Oaks' own Pale Ale! Black Oak is a Toronto craft brewery!

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

I'll leave you lot debating across the pond while I enjoy my true English beer. Ah, nothings better.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

I am a beer snob in so far as when it is hot, I want my beer wet and cold. I have had good beer from the US, Mexico, Philippines, China, Korea, Canada, Australia, Belgium, South Africa and Chile. For my taste I think the Germans and Dutch have the best overall beer.

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RE: Canadian vs american beer

The craft beers, especially IPS, Double IPA, and stouts are pretty strong, some close to 9%.

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