Nude SuperBowl party
Way too superstitious to not wear my lucky Pats sweatshirt for the game. Watched at a friend's house who isn't a nudist. Rode the emotional roller coaster until Butler sealed it with the INT. Now the mission is to join Pittsburgh as the only teams to repeat repeats!
Brady wants one for the thumb!
Fore several years, our group of close friends spent the week prior to and the weekend of Super Bowl, at the Terra Cotta Inn, in Palm Springs. Some of our fondest memories are those weeks and those Super Bowl Parties put on by Tom and Mary Clare, the owners of TCI.
We had to stop going during that time because of work constraints for a couple of people in the group, one of them ... my wife! Once she and a friend retired, we are able to resume our possible return to TCI for Super Bowl Sunday once again. We would have gone for a night or two and the party, this past weekend, but we are headed there soon for an extended stay so we didn't go. Hoping our group decides to return for this weekend in the near future.
So ... we did some naked yard work, took showers outdoors and then came in and had our own Naked Super Bowl party with all the fixin's. ;-)
We have been going to nude Super Bowl parties for several years now. Sunday's party had about 30 attendees. We had great food, conversation, a lot of fun and a betting pool. There was no difference in our party than thousands of others held around the country only at our party people were nude.