"Secret" Public Lands

Years ago, a friend of mine in Tampa said he liked to roam around in the woods nearby that were onout-of-the-way government-owned public land. He was a nature enthusiast, not a nudist.This particular place had no parking lot or prepared trails. In fact, you had to pull off on the side of the road and cross overa fence (that had a convenientlyprepared space in itto accomplish that with no trouble). There was a small,unobtrusive metal sign indicating thatthe land was public and legal to roam around. You would never know the place was there if you were simply cruising alongon thepaved country two-lane a few milesnortheast of Tampa. Although it was technically public land, I NEVER ran into anyone when I was out there.That was years ago.....and by now, I would imagine thatthe government (I don't know if it was state or federal land) has probablysold the land..... andit's probablypaved over and cluttered with houses. But if anyone in this group is aware of any such legal, out-of-the-way public lands in Florida, I'd really like to hear about it. I feel thathiking in more accessible public lands likestate forests, national forests, etc., are too public for me. I couldn't relax and enjoy the experience at a place where I might round a bend and run into a girl scout troop or some other non-nudist group or individual. To be constantly vigilant for the approach of others is not my idea of having a pleasant time..... or of taking in an experience of being nude and naturalin Nature. And parking lots and ranger stations are not my thing !Anyway, if anyone can steer me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it ! Perhaps someone has some personalknowledge with such places or can tune me in to a website.I'm in Manatee County by the way.

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