Call of nature
Why do naturists object to seeing a call of nature? Even the Pope and his celibate brethren urinate. It's not a sexual act, just a natural bodily function. Last summer I waswalking naked with a big mixed nude hiking group which was being filmed for a documentary. As with hikers everywhere there came a time when I had to relieve myself. It turned out that one of the camera crew was making a collection of films of nudists urinating. She asked me to tell her the next time I wanted a pee. (The camera crew consisted of two young, attractive women who were naked along with the rest of us). So, when the time came, I duly told her. She said "hold it while I set up the camera and check the exposure". With some difficulty I did. Then the camera rolled... I don't know what happened to the film but who can object?
No objections here. I always pee when & where I need to, and if no bathrooms are available, that means peering in the bush. But I always take care to step off the trail so it doesn't smell and people don't have to walk through it. Never had any objections so far. :-))
You say they were making a documentary about y'alls trek. Could you post up when and where we may be able to view this documentary when it is released? I believe if they went through the trouble to do all this filming, then they are going to want to show it somewhere, possibly online. So when they do, could you let us know how to see it?