Places to live?
Within your personal experiences, where would you want to live in the United States if you could live anywhere?
I've noticed that depending on what state you go to, you will either be welcomed with open arms or shunned out the back door. So with that in mind, where do you think is the best place to be a nudist? It can be either where you live or just where you vacation and visit. But where have you noticed the most freedom and options to be a nudist? Likewise, where have you noticed to be the least welcome that you would avoid?
I was born and lived in Tampa. I've also lived in Chicago and Palm Springs, CA. I have been to about 40 states.
I don't like Florida. Too rainy, too many mosquitos, too humid and buggy. For nude sunbathing I'll take Palm Springs anyday of the week. As matter of fact, I do . Palm Springs has the best year round nudist friendly weather in the US.
If I was wealthy, I would live in New York or Chicago and vacation in Palm Springs all the time.