have you ever heard of the story of Saint Pelagia?
I can tell you some about it
In ancient Greece, in Antioch, there was a prostitute named Pelagia, who was known for her incredibly beautiful body. One day, a group of Catholic bishops were having a meeting, and during this meeting, Pelagia had arrived on the streets to sell her body, in view of the bishops, most of whom turned away. One though, named Nonnus, looked at her and examined her. Pelagia was furious because bishops weren't seen as people who were supposed to be looking at her like he did, so he followed him to his church. That day, Nonnus was giving a Mass homily explaining that when he looked at and examined her, he wasn't lusting her, but rather appreciating God for giving her a wonderful body, and that she was more than an object, but a work of art created by God. This inspired Pelagia so much that she converted to Catholicism and lived three years in chastity.