RE: Sexual Peak

Personally speaking, and not just when it comes to sex, I have always prefered to surround myself with people older than me, I think that life is just a constant learning process and those who have been here for a considerable period of time have so much information and knowledge to share, on all sorts of levels, that it would be a shame to miss the opportunity of enriching our horizons ... and sexually speaking ... I can say that I have no complaints, as the matter of fact, the person who was with me was more in sexual shape than me :)

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RE: Sexual Peak

I have concluded my peak is after a long session of arrousal and that moment I OR her climax . . . that is my peak. Regardless of age. One is never better than their last performance ;-) jy

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RE: Sexual Peak

I'm now heading into my mid 50's and my experience is much the same as other commenter here - the older I get the better it gets, and yes - it's great just to take your time and enjoy it!body{zoom:170%!important;}

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RE: Sexual Peak

    1. i believe i am just as sexual now as when i was 15 or even 25... i think i enjoy it more now since i know the size difference and taste of sperm..............if you ever get to Avalon I got a soon to be 72 and it works good , is over 8+ thick and plenty of sperm for you ...............Rihl

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RE: Sexual Peak

According to the sex experts, males reach the highest sexual peak at age 18. Of course 18 yros do not have the experience that older males have. At the age of 30 most men start to loose testosterone at about 1% each year. It is so gradual that you don't notice it. Until you hit your 50's. Now normal testosterone low ( done by a simple blood test) should be 250, the normal high T is 800. So anything in between is normal. Dr's will start treating low T if your testosterone is under 400.
Being older and wiser and knowing what works for you is great, but some guys need a little help now and again. Of course there are ED meds and they are great if that is what you need. The low T shots do help and improve your sex drive, but they do more then just that. It helps with depression, the enjoyment of doing things, being a part of a group and enjoy life once again. So low T is not for all males, but it does help.

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RE: Sexual Peak

I thought it was just me but thankfully I'm not the only guy still horny in my 50s. I'm 59 - 60 in September and still wake up with raging boners though they don't last quite as long and it does take longer to get hard - not like when I was younger and a strong wind would get me hard. Now I have to be involved to get hard. Doctor says low T is normal for my age and that I could try T replacement. Has anyone tried it? If so, do you have to continue the therapy once you start?

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RE: Sexual Peak

We should enjoy every age as each has something special. In hindsight when in my twenties stirring to hard to ejaculation was fast and intese and thought it was great. However as I learnt to slow things there enjoyment was greater and longer. In my early sixties I find that things still start to stir for a whole variety of reasons. In reality not as often as in my twenties when it was many many times each day but I do find that that is replaced by the enjoyment if each experience where I can savour the time.

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