RE: The way God made us to be - His way!

Stitch, you really asked a good question.
I am both a Christian and a nudist. I do not feel any conflict. As has already been pointed out there is nothing in the Bible against nudity. Adam and Eve put on fig leaves because they were hiding from God after they had disobeyed God. Where the Bible says clothe the naked, that means fulfill any needs that you find in other people (i.e., donating clothing to The Salvation Army).
I praise God that Jesus willingly was crucified to save us from our sins. To perfectly obey the spiritual laws is impossible, because we are not perfect. Jesus gave us grace for that reason.
However within The Body of Christ, there is much prejudice against nudity. The prejudice boils down to the misguided nudity = sex. Nudity in itself doesn't = sex. For this reason, I have not shared with my parishioners that I am a nudist. There is no reason to.
I even pray and read the Bible while nude.
I pray for you to nurture your spirituality. but yet be nude.

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RE: The way we evolved

Interesting thread. Looking forward to where it is headed. :)

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

Concerning nudity or any other topic - what is "the word of god"? How do we know it? Where do we find it?

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

Isn't there a bible story where the followers were fishing from a boat and all of them were naked?Then one went swimming. I heard itin bible class when I was real young.I got happy because it proved it was ok to skinnydip.

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

So in a long winded kind of way, my question is; How do people of any religious belief, especially those with strong stances against being socially nude find a way to get the two issues to coexist within themselves? I hope I phrased it right. Again, I'm not asking to be the cause of any trouble, to be a wiseass, or to offend. If someone is offened, I apologize, and you don't need to comment if you don't feel like it. But, I am sincerely asking as someone who is ignorant of information and am asking for that information. The only way to learn, is to ask. Right? Sincerely, Stitch.

Come on people, stay on topic. The question is "how do people of ANY religious belief...." I really do not see the need for specific religions to be bashed or exalted here...
Must every non-humorous post turn into an off-topic battle? (This question IS rhetorical, please do not waste any of our time actually answering it).


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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

The passage does not specify whether the others were nude, but it's a safe assumption. One would expect that being nude while fishing was common practice in hot climates.
My understanding of that was a matter of practicality with the heat, but also not having but one cloak which any laborer could easily ruin in a working environment.

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

Come on people, stay on topic. The question is "how do people of ANY religious belief...." I really do not see the need for specific religions to be bashed or exalted here...
Gentle lady, as I noted in my first post, religious opposition to nudity/nudism is not confined to Christianity. However, since I'm Christian, I can address the issue from that perspective. I neither know nor care what Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism et al teach about it.
You'll not find me bashing any religion here.
I agree nudenma, I answered a a Christian since that is my belief and what I know about.

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

I am starting to find that there are those here who are very obcessed with nudity as they are pushing their religious views. It is like a little gang that is very millitant and short sighted, with way too many judgements towards what others believe. I know that this is a little off the topic, but I can not help to feel that maybe these individuals are not so much trying to spread the word, but only trulely trying to convince their selves that they have the truth.
Don't take it personally, Berrimtl. I tend to believe the way you do and I like your arguments, but this may not be the proper forum for them. You might find likeminded people at the Atheists/agnostics Retreat Group. Last time I checked, it still wasn't active. but you might be able to bring some life to it.

As for the original question, Liloandstitch, it ultimately boils down to what YOU are comfortable with given your take on life and the values gleaned from holy books, people you consider to be moral examples, and, quite possibly, the company you keep. Stay with us and you'll have no quarrels from us about whether you should ever be naked in mixed company. We do that all the time!

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RE: Religious beliefs and nudity.

Also important to remember that the original post had a question addressed to "people of any religious belief". So while I don't agree with the religious views presented, I took it to mean that I had nothing really to say on that subject. But given the question, I think it is appropriate for the people who were asked to espouse their belief while they reconcile it wth nudity. As tempting as it is to steer the discussion towards belief vs. non-belief, this may not be the place to do it. New thread ????
BTW - the Atheist/Agnostic Retreat group is active. For some reason, it was deleted from the group list for awhile, but you can find it now.

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