The Date and Venue

The dates are 3rd April to 5th April
by 3rd (Friday) Noon ppl will check in, 6th morn check out.
The venue - a rosort owned by a TN member, in an island close to bhubaneswar.
The participants will have to bear the cost of travel and any sight seeing cost.
Lodging and food will be highly subsidized by the resort owner.

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RE: The Date and Venue

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...our dreams r coming true....waiting for 27th feb 2015.

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RE: The Date and Venue

The plan looks nice. Weekend plan is better so it would not affect ones schedule.Incidentally my birthday falls on March 2nd. Wish to celebrate it with all nudists...

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RE: The Date and Venue

I remember being invited to a meet by @Sonaachand da soon after i joined this site and befriended him. But a very hectic work schedule, which requires me to travel every now and then, didn't let me join in back then. wasn't regular out here too! Now, I'm back in my hometown Kolkata and trying to be as regular as I can here.
Just noticed this event and had to appreciate the planning and effort being put in by other members to host an amazing trip. Not only an out-of-box experience for closet nudists who are shy in public for lack of privacy, but also a wonderful opportunity for nudists in general to join, get to know each other, make friends and spend quality time with like-minded people. Although I don't know you personally, hats off to you Suhrit for coming up with this plan. Definitely looking forward to meet you all then, and if possible before that too! Hope I will be welcome to join you all and eagerly waiting to make some amazing friends for the long run! :) Cheers!

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RE: The Date and Venue

u r most welcome.

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RE: The Date and Venue

Hello Suhritji,Now i am waiting for the reservation opening day to book my tickets... Pls inform the venue through private messages later.

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RE: The Date and Venue

I missed the last one, as I saw Greffian's message after the event. Definitely going to be attending this one! Details please. Should i book transport?Hi, thanks for showing interest...just hold on...we will confirm soon.

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RE: The Date and Venue


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RE: The Date and Venue

Thanks for the Great Initiative and all efforts taken by You Mr. Suhrit and all those who are actively taking part to make this event happen in real. I would love to join our every fellow member from all over India to meet & greet personally on this day. After final confirmation of this seminar, please inform the venue and all necessary details.Thank You again.

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RE: The Date and Venue

This is great news....I will be in Hyd throughout Feb so there is a very good chance that I will be able to come over for the weekend....and unless exorbitant, cost really isn't much of a factor for me.....but I do have a couple of other issues, mainly to do with my health, so can I send you a private message to discuss those?

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RE: The Date and Venue

sure u can....

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