Why did you decide to become a nudist?

Hey everyone, my name is Lane and I'm doing a project for my sociology class and would like to know why you decided to become a nudist? I appreciate your time and answers, thank you!

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

I was born naked, so I decided to live naked :)

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

Another request to do a term paper by a non-nudist with a blank profile. Generally this site is by nudists for the promotion of nudism. How will your request benefit the cause, acceptance and promotion of nudism?

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

Does anyone decide to become a nudist? I don't think its an overnight decision but more of an evolving process.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

My skin is waterproof, I prefer not to wear clothes when swimming.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

The naked-hippie thing went out of fashion, and I wasn't willing to put my clothes back on.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

My answer to that is to experience it. Take a trip to a nude beach or a nude resort. Maybe just undress in your home for a few hours and do your daily routine. Shed your clothes and feel the sun, the rain or the breeze on your bare skin. Mingle at the resort or beach with other nudists and feel the comfort that it all brings. If you do all this, you would more likely write the best term paper based on your experience and not others. You may find you will be hooked so use caution.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

I didn't decide to "become" a nudist ... I have always been a nudist. ;-)

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

Someday, I'd love to see someone come onto this site for academic reasons, and treat nudists the way other subject communities are treated:
1. Identify your institution
2. Let us see your face (you do NOT need to post a nude photo.)
To do otherwise is to signal that you, personally, are uncomfortable here, and it puts people off.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

I just experience being naked as very comfortable (much more then wearing clothing), and it gives me a great free feeling. So I'd like to be naked as much as possible.

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RE: Why did you decide to become a nudist?

I didn't decide to "become" a nudist ... I have always been a nudist. ;-)Me too

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