In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

My home is south of Darwin, Australiaalways hot, it's fantastic.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

Same story in Brisbane. Certainly not as hot as Darwin, but even in winter, a blanket is preferable to restrictive clothing.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

Could sleep without covers, but i actually enjoy turning the airconditioner way down while we sleep and curling up with covers. My girlfriend is the same way, so its great. ^^

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

Don't ever think it doesn't get cold in Florida. It's 58 degrees Fahrenheit this morning here.'s not frigid, but compared to Summertime, it's a bit chilly. Fortunately it will rise into the 70's later...and totally sunny.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

can't say the climate here in indiana is always warm enough to sleep nude. We have a few days ahead where the temp willnot go above freezing. But thanks to central heat and an extra blanket i sleep nude year round.Can't remember the last time I slept wearing anything here at home.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

It's rarely warm enough here in NE for me to sleep without at least a sheet, and most of the year, I use a down comforter. On nights when it would be warm enough, I usually need the A/C to survive the daytime humidity.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

I sleep naked here in sydney all year it..cheers..

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

Could sleep without covers, but i actually enjoy turning the airconditioner way down while we sleep and curling up with covers. My girlfriend is the same way, so its great. ^^I would not sleep well just knowing how much energy I was wasting just to make it artificially cold enough to use the covers.

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RE: In our climate you can always sleep naked and uncovered!

we - my gf and me- sleep naked all the day of the year whatever the weather and the season

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