Swindon Bare Swim is on this Saturday ,see website for more info

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RE: Swindon Bare Swim is on this Saturday ,see website for more info

Next meeting 25/10/14Please contact the website.

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RE: Swindon Bare Swim is on this Saturday ,see website for more info

Use Google to search for Swindon Bare Swim and you will find the web site.

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RE: Swindon Bare Swim is on this Saturday ,see website for more info

The thing that deters me from going to this swimming group is that they insist on seeing some ID. As an Englishman in England, I cherish the privilege of not having to carry ID, and consequently don't. If it's for age verification, despite my living a clean and healthy lifestyle (alcohol and tobacco abuse notwithstanding), I have, as George Orwell would say, have the face I deserve. No one could mistake me for being a minor. Until such groups (the swindon swim is not the only one) insist on regulations more strict than the country in which it exists, they should be avoided.

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