A couple years ago I wrote about my friend Chris and our strip wrestling games... Yes we still enjoy wrestling. But now we have added a new game last week. Its strip soccer.....Chris' place has a barn for the motor-home that's 50 feet long. Chris set the barn up, so that on rainy days he can practice his soccer kicks into a goal-net. About two months ago, he was kicking the soccer ball into the net...So I bet him that if he was blindfolded, and he made a goal, I'd give him a hundred dollar bill. If he missed, he'd have to strip off a piece of clothing. Damn if he didn't score a goal on the first kick blindfolded, so he got the hundred. Then kick after kick; he lost his t-shirt, soccer shorts, then his shoes and socks. He made a couple of goals somewhere in the mix and had $300 bucks in the pot. Lastly, now Chris was down to his black jock-briefs! "OK." I said. "If you make this goal, you can double your money...If you miss, I get your jock and you walk nude down the driveway to the mailbox and back! Chris is very competitive and never backs down from a dare or bet. My friend took the kick and missed the goal by inches! "Sweet!" I said. Then Chris said. "If you really want my shorts you'll have to take em." I walked up behind Chris and as he reached up to untie his blindfold, I yanked down his briefs, striping him nude. Well to make a fun-story shorter. Chris walked down to the mail box and back, butt naked!.....PS, He got to keep his $300 for the walk and we plan to repeat this game in the future.

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So what exactly did Chris have to loose in that challenge. No downside for him, aside from the jocks, that is. And he walks away the richer for the experience.

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