RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

If you can find Zanfel it is expensive but it really works if you do get it.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Here is the web site for Zanfel. I have always gotten it and this stuff offerssome of the best relief to me.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

  • For me, I dress to protect myself. So the most I'll wear is heavy shoes, long pants, long sleeve shirt, leather gloves, goggles and hat ;) the least I can get away with in our neighborhood is shorts. It would be nice though to just walk off the back porch to pick a tomato and not get dressed first.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

There are some ups and downs to living in suburbia. For one ... what you see in our yard, we planted. There is lots of thought that goes into what you plant when you're a nudist and you plan to maintain your yard ... in the nude. We have poison oak out here in So Cal and I've had it many a time when fighting wildland fires. I am careful when hiking that I look for certain foliage that could be harmful but I truly haven't done that much naked hiking and that that I have done has been in the desert on well maintained trails with little to no foliage around.
Down side to living in suburbia ... surrounded by walls, fences and people. I wanted to live on acreage when we moved here but ... I lost that argument. I seem to lose many arguments with my wife! hahaha But it's nice to be able to work in the yard and the only thing we need to worry about are spiders and rose bushes! ;-)

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

We have poison oak out here in So Cal and I've had it many a time when fighting wildland fires. I am careful when hiking that I look for certain foliage that could be harmful but I truly haven't done that much naked hiking and that that I have done has been in the desert on well maintained trails with little to no foliage around.
Be careful around it when it is burning. I have heard that getting in the smoke of burning poisonous plants can give you a reaction deep in your lungs from breathing in the urushiol which has gone into the smoke.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

We have lots of raspberry bushes here that are very prickly but the big problem is stinging nettles. The merest brush of a leave is enough to give you a real sting. The good news is that it dissipates pretty fast. I've learned in my years of gardening nude is that you just need to be more careful.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Yea, Pacific northwest blackberries can have thorns an inch long and nettles are nasty to brush up against. Better than poison ivy or poison oak.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Weedeaters are off limits for me. One time I missed a spot of grass and thought I could go ahead and fire up the weedeater and take care of it....Hmm.. not a good idea. flying rocks. ouch !!

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Yes ... weed eaters can fling things in your direction that always seem to find your scrotum or penis ... been there done that a couple of times but ... I continued to mow the lawn and use the weed eater naked afterwards, continually. What you have to do is switch positions or direction you weed eat so the grass and such that are being cut a being flung away from you and not toward you ... OR ... you can just slip on a pair of shorts or pants. I just happened to find a way to continue to do it nude and not have that problem. :-)

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Since we moved in the new house I've started mowing in the nude. Surprised the missus one day when she got home for work and I was on the riding lawn mower naked. She was jealous. As for the weed eating the yard is still to new and there are to many stickers. Have to go with pants on that.

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