What happened?

Where did True Nudists go to yesterday?

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RE: What happened?

TeamTrue1 said:

Sorry about that, we ran out of storage space and the server exploded (not literally) . The database couldn't write any more records, pictures couldn't upload, etc etc. After increasing the storage space, it was a race of trying to get everything running again.Everything is operational now, and very little was lost. Sorry for the inconvenience. We shouldn't have to worry about storage space for a while now though.

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RE: What happened?

When I saw the message earlier about the server upgrade I figured it was something like that. Linda, you weren't the only one going through withdrawels. I got messages on Yahoo from friends wondering if they were only ones having a problem. I have seen this before in the year and a half I have been here. We wouldn't have this problem is this wasn't such a great site and having so many people joining. LOL

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RE: What happened?

When I saw the "disk quota" error, I knew EXACTLY what it was, and why, and how to fix it.
Unix will protect itself by allowing nothing more to take place, so that whatever it already has will not be lost.

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RE: What happened?

When I saw the "disk quota" error, I knew EXACTLY what it was, and why, and how to fix it. Unix will protect itself by allowing nothing more to take place, so that whatever it already has will not be lost.
me too , yet it still felt like the end of times...

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RE: What happened?

When I saw the "disk quota" error, I knew EXACTLY what it was, and why, and how to fix it. Unix will protect itself by allowing nothing more to take place, so that whatever it already has will not be lost.

At least that is a good thing. It was a little inconvenient but in the bigger scheme of things, no big deal.

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RE: What happened?

When I saw the message earlier about the server upgrade I figured it was something like that. Linda, you weren't the only one going through withdrawels. I got messages on Yahoo from friends wondering if they were only ones having a problem. I have seen this before in the year and a half I have been here. We wouldn't have this problem is this wasn't such a great site and having so many people joining. LOL Thomas

A good thing mixed in with a bad thing...no wonder my feelings were so mixed up yesterday.

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RE: What happened?

With Phil and Linda hitting the 2000 mark and Snugglebunny right behind them the server just couldnt handle all of it. It was the dreaded TN2K.

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RE: What happened?

Thanks to Team True --
Seems like I read on here something about a day without True Nudists is like a day wearing clothes ... 'Course, yesterday was a day when I did have to wear clothes, but that's another story ...
Today, for a while at least, I'm glad to be able to be naked, and glad to have TN back: Thanks, folks! The Badger was getting kind of snarly for a while!
Naked Badger

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RE: What happened?

Thank you Teamtrue for getting the site up and running again so quickly. I missed the site. It is a True communication medium among nudists.

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