A Croatian man got a nasty surprise when he tried to get out of his deck chair and found his testicles had got stuck.
Mario Visnjic had gone swimming naked in the sea at the Valalta beach in western Croatia, reports 24sata.
His testicles had shrunk while in the cool sea and slipped through the wooden slats when he sat back down on his wooden deckchair.
But as he lay in the sun they expanded back to normal size and got stuck between the slats.
He was eventually freed after he called beach maintenance services on his mobile phone and they sent a member of staff to cut the deck chair in half.
Just how low were they hanging ?

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Thus another good reason to sit on towels!! OWWWWWWW!

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Do testicles actually change size ?
My scrotum tightens in the cold and draws them up to my groin - but I've never noticed my nuts shrinking or growing.

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Do testicles actually change size ? My scrotum tightens in the cold and draws them up to my groin - but I've never noticed my nuts shrinking or growing.
no way , just the scrotum.
has far as i know...
any MD in the house to confirm?

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now that would be a site to see, ouch......

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A Croatian man got a nasty surprise when he tried to get out of his deck chair and found his testicles had got stuck. Mario Visnjic had gone swimming naked in the sea at the Valalta beach in western Croatia, reports 24sata. His testicles had shrunk while in the cool sea and slipped through the wooden slats when he sat back down on his wooden deckchair. But as he lay in the sun they expanded back to normal size and got stuck between the slats. He was eventually freed after he called beach maintenance services on his mobile phone and they sent a member of staff to cut the deck chair in half. LINK Just how low were they hanging ?
Sounds like a tall storey to me!

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This does not seem likely and probably made up. Penises shrink with the cold as does the scrotum but the balls don't, unless a doctor can verify this as true I reckon this is crap. But if its true this would hurt.

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I heard this a while back. A man in California was taken his morning shower with his shower door a jar. While soaping up, his cat, who was watching decided to pounce upon his dangling member. The man is so surprised he slips and falls, crashing through the shower door. He calls 911 and helps arrives. Mind you this guy lives in a second story apartment. While explaining to the paramedics what happened, he was already on the gurnee, the paramedics laughed so hard that they let loose and the man and gurnee goes crashing down the stairs. The poor man ends up with a broken leg.
Now I have to say ouch!

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A Croatian man got a nasty surprise when he tried to get out of his deck chair and found his testicles had got stuck. Mario Visnjic had gone swimming naked in the sea at the Valalta beach in western Croatia, reports 24sata. His testicles had shrunk while in the cool sea and slipped through the wooden slats when he sat back down on his wooden deckchair. But as he lay in the sun they expanded back to normal size and got stuck between the slats. He was eventually freed after he called beach maintenance services on his mobile phone and they sent a member of staff to cut the deck chair in half. LINK Just how low were they hanging ?

A good reason to sit on a towel?

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A Croatian man got a nasty surprise when he tried to get out of his deck chair and found his testicles had got stuck. Mario Visnjic had gone swimming naked in the sea at the Valalta beach in western Croatia, reports 24sata. His testicles had shrunk while in the cool sea and slipped through the wooden slats when he sat back down on his wooden deckchair. But as he lay in the sun they expanded back to normal size and got stuck between the slats. He was eventually freed after he called beach maintenance services on his mobile phone and they sent a member of staff to cut the deck chair in half. LINK Did we even need to read this ?Just how low were they hanging ?

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My legs are crossed just thinking about it. We might have another very strong argument for using towels on resort chairs.
I agree with the towel !

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