Hello Everyone - group still active?
There are regular posts to discussions in the group and even thought it might not be as regular as some others (some of which can be shallow or even disrespectful at times) does not mean this group is inactive. Personally i find communications with others in the group are more often via pm perhaps reflecting deeper, more personal, communications. That aside, for me one of the great benefits is its very existence which helps to reinforce that enjoyment of naturism is not contrary to christian principles, indeed to my mind, it is in concord. So be patient .
Hello everyone, I've only just joined the group and am looking forward to meeting others but am wondering how active the group is?
It is interesting that all the replies happened on the same day as your post, except this one! This group does seem to be the most active Christian group on TrueNudist. Certainly not to put down this website, which I like, but cvillage is a very active Christian naturist group along with naturist-christians (both are orgs). The group section here at TN is impressive, of which you are in one! So, stick around and help make it even more active!