Cant log into chat room in mozilla firefox...

For last few days, I can not get into chat room with firefox. But there is no issue with Internet Exploprer. Every time i try to get into chat room it shows connection failed. The flash is updated. I can not use google chrome in my computer for some reason. Please suggest/help to get this resolved.... Please dont advise to use only IE or Chrome...Thanks in anticipation...

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RE: Cant log into chat room in mozilla firefox...

not sure if I can help you. I use firefox all the time and it works fine for me.
Suggest you uninstall firefox, reboot and re install. That should work

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RE: Cant log into chat room in mozilla firefox...

Already installed...etc...but no luck....same error :(

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RE: Cant log into chat room in mozilla firefox...

sorry then. I cannot find anything obvious. i have checked the Firefox options and can find nothing. Have you checked the Flash player settings on privacy etc?

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