Nude gardening day

Does anyone know when nude gardening day is, and does anyone have plans for their day?

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RE: Nude gardening day

think it was first weekend in May

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RE: Nude gardening day

Yes, generally celebrated in may.

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RE: Nude gardening day

Well so much for that! For some reason I was thinking it was sometime in June. Oh well I guess everyday will have to be nude gardening day now.

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RE: Nude gardening day

Yes it's any day that is warm enough to be outside naked. Of course we don't have to garden. We can just chill out with a beer.

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RE: Nude gardening day

Hello, tony and Linda here, new to the group and we always garden naked! Only way to go, we love it.

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RE: Nude gardening day

Tony and Linda, agree totally. There is something very special about gardening nude. That and swimiing are two great nude activities. Once enjoyed, can never enjoy them as much when textile again.

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RE: Nude gardening day

I do agree with posts before. Every day is nude gardening day, even in winter as is right now, I do wander nude outside in the garden and do this and that tending to the plants, planting new additions and some weeding of course.

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RE: Nude gardening day

Although I have at least 6 neighbours that can see into my back yard I still do as much as I can naked, feed birds, put out trash and water plants in my greenhouse in the early hours. Now & again I'll cut sections of the grass when I think it's fairly safe.
Every morning I also water the plants out the front of the house which is right on one of the main streets of our little village, in full view of neighbours across the street - been caught by a couple of them but nothing said.

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RE: nudistseeking

Well said Stello!!

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