Fl season coming to an end for me...........

One more charter before heading back north for a couple months. Was out with a couple from TN yesterday and didn't get the Tarpon we wanted but did land one nice Black Tip Shark about 125/135 # after a nice battle. Also landed one 25# baby Goliath Grouper, released to grow to it potential 500+ pounds. Also lost 9 fish around the bridge pilings due to oysters and barnacles slicing thru the 80# leaders. Not ever easy to get a large fish out of the bridge pilings. All in all still a great day on the water and made some new friends from TN. Heading back to WI in about 10 days and looking forward to the road trip and the stops along the way. Have some extra time to enjoy a stay at a nude resort or two along the way from SW FL to WI. I I see you naked along the way I may just stop to say HI.

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