Most memorable nude scene

Weve all seen movies where actors and actresses appeared naked and eventually engaged in sexual encounters, but I think that when we look back on them, there was one in particular that stood and still stands out from the rest. Even if the movie itself wasnt that remarkable, the part where the actors appear naked made us remember it as time passes by. I can say that the scene that for me still stands out as a sort of benchmark, as strange as it may sound since the film is pretty bad, is the one in "The Colour of The Night" - there was something about that first nude scene was shot, the way Bruce Willis and Jane March interacted with each other and engaged in what for me looked more than just a sex scene (it actually looked live love making) that still ticks all the right boxes for me.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

The steamiest scene ever, Gary and Lisa, Team America....

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

Yes,,that was a superb sexy film, and their love making from was for real in the pool, says many Hollywood sources. She has such a fine firm little sexy body. I still most enjoy Jane March in her VERY best film...The Lover.....such erotic view of her young hot body throughout the whole film!As for soft' porn nudity of the topless variety,,,,,the scene of superbly HOT Phoebe Cates in 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' along with several other totally naked girls pf the era in that film was a dream come true for the mid 80's film era. Her taking that top off out of the pool is probably one of the favorites of many many guys over 50 I'd bet.
My hope for this group is to talk and share thoughts about nudity in film but to not always focus just on the sexual titillation brought on by nudity. I think people who join this group love nudity and love it on film. I know I do and it's why I created the group. But I hope the discussion gets a little deeper than just physical appearance. It's fine to comment on the sexual excitement brought on by nudity in some scenes, but to focus just on the body parts or their attractiveness simplifies and reduces the importance or sometimes the meaning of the scenes.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

There are just too many great nude scenes to pic out one ....BUT of late, I'd say that seeing Dakota Johnson naked in her 3 'Gray' movies was superb. And topping that, just to make a point, is when Jennifer Lawrence went from complaining about her personal nude pics being hacked, to suddenly showing some nudity in a few films, and then going all out to reveal her huge tits and almost her pussy, in Red Sparrrow.... Oh, what that must have been like on the set the day she sat back on that desk to 'pass' her Soviet spy training,,,,by undressing before us, and to reveal her smooth pussy and legs spread open, but with just enough camera angle to block a good view of her fine labia. At least her massive sweet tits and perky nipples were out in many scenes to very much enjoy. Hope she continues to make more naked action films like that one.....a series would be fun to see. Add in 'Atomic Blonde' , the very hot Charlese Therron too for more action flicks with her nudity featured as in that one movie.Here's outtakes again from public view website, from Red Sparrow....mmmm,,,,,glad I got the DVD to play again and again at home.!
I ask that this get edited. I have no problem with Red Sparrow being included, the photo stills are fine, the comments about the Gray films and Atomic Blonde, all fine. But so much of this comment then brings it down to language that jus attempts to titillate. If they block out explicit views of a woman's genitalia there is no need to describe what it would look like if we saw it, or to make additional comments using slang expressions for her breasts. I am no prude. I love sex. But this group is about nudity. I could see a discussion even on nudity in pornographic films here, but not when the descriptive language is pornographic and does nothing to elevate the discussion. For direct sexual talk True Swingers would be a better place.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

The most impactful nude scene for me wasn't a sex scene, it was the nude wrestling scene in "Women in Love." It opened my brain to the idea of guys being actively nude together. Subsequently did some nude wrestling myself with my best friend. And started exploring the general joys of being naked.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

Helen Hunt in The Sessions was exceptional.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

I like this scene from movie An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus with Nicole Kidman :

I just watched a few minutes of some scenes from this movie and loved them. I look forward to watching the whole movie. I found the scenes very well done and quite compelling. Thanks for sharing this. I'll hold off more comments until I see the film but I am really looking forward to it!

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

My most memorable nude scene was Rae Dawn Chong in "Quest for Fire." I was about 11 at the time; and I was utterly fascinated by the fact that she was completely naked (except for body paint) in many of her scenes in the movie. Growing up in France I had seen many nude scenes before; but her performance was strikingly "real" to me.

Then, many years later, I saw a "behind-the-scenes" featurette where RDC talks about her experience while filming the movie. She explains that she totally embraced the nudity the role involved, even choosing to stay naked on set before and between takes. By that time I was a nudist; and I found her approach to the role even more compelling. Her performance in the movie is to me a blueprint as to how nudity should be approached on screen.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

Some of my most memorable nude scenes are the documentary about Woodstock, the 1969 music festival where they were interviewing skinny dippers who were not actors. Also several Nicole Kidman films, including Eyes Wide Shut. Nicole's scenes aren't sexual, just her undressing.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

My most memorable nude scene was Rae Dawn Chong in "Quest for Fire."

This has to be my answer too. I kept thinking, so many great nude scenes, which one do you choose? But this was remarkable in its duration (damn near the whole movie) and the way that it helped to define her character and depict pre-civilized life. She seemed 100% at ease with the role, and as a bonus, the movie is an engaging tale well-told.

Yeah, this is hands-down my winner.

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RE:Most memorable nude scene

My most memorable nude scene was Rae Dawn Chong in "Quest for Fire."
I am going to have to watch this again. I bet the version I saw so many moons ago was edited.

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