
I'm so fascinated by nature and I do experiment with crafting and cross pollination to see what nature allows to happen. I love to do rose budding, when the rootstock takes over to ensure survival of the type. I love to cross pollinate Clivias and collect seed from here and there. sometimes I take pollen out into the wild to species and harvest the mature seedpods to see what evolves from it. I wonder if there is any agriculturally experimenting nudist in this group.

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RE: experimenting

I have taken my garden abroad to share, not being shy, are you? and why?

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RE: experimenting

I don't experiment much with planting, I barely have time to garden, but do enjoy it! Looking forward to the day I can retire and really enjoy gardening, and all the time in the buff.

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RE: experimenting

Our efforts are almost entirely experimental - lol. Seriously, we've been experimenting with companion planting. It's fascinating stuff and whilst much of the info you'll find on-line isn't backed with hard evidence we've found some of it to be worthwhile. Most notably planting marigolds (tagetes) around our vegetable beds. The scent is supposed to ward off insect pests. It seems to work for us and even if it doesn't, it adds a splash of colour to otherwise boring looking beds.

It's also worth researching and experimenting to see what vegetables grow together well (or not as the case may be). We discovered peas don't crop very well when planted near to carrots.

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RE: experimenting

Not only that, It also keeps nematodes at bay, the horrible things, that meander through the inside of foliage, sucking the leaves dry and leaving a crippled plant behind.

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RE: experimenting

I'm going to play cross pollinating oriental and asiatic lilies, with Lilium formosissima, that grows along the roads and is flowering now.
I wonder, what will come of it.

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