Best and worst of 2013

How about telling us of your best and worst bits of the year that has just gone? No pressure but we would like to read the story and see any photos you might want to show us. For me it's a draw for the best bits, between getting my tattoo and my, all too short, stay at Cap d'Agde. I'd been wanting to get a tattoo for a long time. I knew just where I wanted it after a life drawing model appeared with one where his pubes should have been. I had my own design on a scrap of paper in my wallet. I finally plucked up courage while on holiday in Peniscola, Spain in June. I speak no Spanish and the tattooist spoke no English but my host translated. I'm pleased with the result, well worth the pain and the 50 Euros.
I only got to stay at Cap d'Agde for 23 hours at the end of a visit to my French friends. But it was memorable. What was the best bit? Was it happily undressing in front of the chamber-maids, being naked throughout anddoing every-day things in the nude, the packed nude beach or the Med sunrise? Maybe it was them all, put together.

My worst bit was when helping my French friends do up their home. We had to remove some plaster board (dry wall) exposing glass fibre insulation. I immediately went into a coughing fit and, to add insult to injury, it wasn't warm enough to go naked. That cough lasted for weeks, worrying my friends. So trips to the Doc and a chest X ray were called for. No worries. All was normal and it eventually cleared up. No photo either (cough cough).
The good news is my friends are moving back and opening their guest house in south west Portugal, My favourite part of the world.

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RE: Best and worst of 2013

The best part of my 2013 was a two week hunting trip which stretched out to nearly a full month. I hunted deer in the early mornings and then shifted gears taking my two bird dogs out in search of pheasant and quail. I ended up taking a very nice buck which yielded a good supply of venison for the coming year. The birds were hit hard during the drought of 2012 so numbers were greatly reduced. I couldn't bring myself to kill any but thoroughly enjoyed working the dogs and tramping through the fields and covers of my boyhood.

The worst was being infested with a roaring case of scabies from which I am still recovering. The itching is the worst part. I'm not posting a picture showing the rash and sores and if you could see me you would be thankful that I did not.

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