If you're invited to a pub...

I rarely go to pubs, but sometimes I'll go for a meal with a friend, even though I avoid the alcohol per se.

This sometimes leads to funny results. One year our theatre troupe was having our annual Christmas get-together in a pub. We all ordered our meals and drinks, minebeing a soft drink. As the nightwent on I noticed the server would come back to my table everynow and then to refill my glass. After the third refill I began to worry that I might be in for a huge tab. But when I showed up to pay, I was charged for only one drink. The refills were free.

It was later explained to me that pubs and bars try to do everything they can to encourage RESPONSIBLE drinking and having a designated driver, that is one person who will not drink in order that the others may have a safe drive home. Although we had all gotten there by our own means, the establishment assumed I was the designated driver and wanted to keep me happy!

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RE: If you're invited to a pub...

That was very nice of them. Now if only there was places like pubs, with music and entertainment, but without the smoke and alcohol. I can wish, can't I?

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RE: If you're invited to a pub...

Well, in New Brunswick, smoking is prohibited in drinking establishments. The pub owners who were worried they would be put out of business if their patrons couldn't smoke there are, for the most part, still doing brisk business. In other words, if they are there for the booze, the cigarettes can wait.

As for for something both alcohol- AND smoke-free,I think it could work, but we would have to promote it properly and among as many potential patrons as possible. Who knows? People no longer into the "bar scene" might decide to give it a try.

I would think recovering alcoholics would be most interested. Imagine getting everything you'd expect in a pub EXCEPT the booze and tobacco; i.e., an adult crowd for "adult" entertainment (and I mean adult in the mature sense, not the sexual sense of the term). While some former drinkers may have been there to drink alone, I think many others were there with friends and simply didn't know when to stop. In a booze-free pub, they wouldn't have to worry about that.

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RE: If you're invited to a pub...

I have been the designated driver so many times. I often wonder why people would want to drink themselves silly and then can't remember what happened the following day.

Maybe they do not realize that they have drunk themselves silly. It could also be the fact that they don't remember their behavior the next day which leads to them repeating their mistakes over and over again. You could take pictures for your friends. Of course, I don't know what kind of sense of humor they have. They might not think they look so funny when they see the pictures.

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RE: If you're invited to a pub...

Oh, they're all older now, so there's not much drinking going on anymore.

It is good to hear that they lived to grow older and wiser.

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