Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I see a lot of people in a lot of threads who are devoted to being fully nude every moment possible. I suppose that is the distinction between a nudist and a naturist. I read people who take jobs that allow them to work from home or crank up the heat in the winter and I don't find that to be a problem, that is the preference. On the other hand I love my job and wouldn't trade it. Even if nudity became social acceptable it wouldn't be a good idea in my workplace, clothing is just as much protective in my line of work as a social norm. When I am at home it depends on the weather. I try not to use more energy than I have to at home for environmental reasons. I have only turned my air conditioner on twice in three years and I am proud of it. Likewise though, in the winter I dress before I turn heaters on. I view clothing as a tool that is sometimes appropriate for use rather than something has been forced on us by ancient religions (which, it is that too) Turning on hundreds of watts worth of electric heat when it starts to get cold to me seems like using an electric drill to tighten the handle on a saucepan, there is a simpler option.
Now the site is called true nudists, but the header also says for naturists. I guess what I want to know is the breakdown of people's feelings on this subject.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I'm not going to get into the "nudism vs naturism" discussion because we all have our own connotative definitions of those words. I prefer "naturism" because nothing makes me feel as in touch with the natural world as being nude in it; but that is just me. I agree with you that clothing has a definite place in life. I can't even imagine trying to arc weld in the nude and ice fishing in the nude would be just as senseless. I do a lot of things that enrich my life but are better done clothed than nude. I would not be willing to give those things up just to conform to some "always nude, all the time" rule.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

Sensible posts here but then, being somewhat overweight, I always say that I have in-built central heating!

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

Good subject. I too consider my self a Naturist rather than Nudist and take a pragmatic view of nudism. When the elements and situation warrants, I prefer to go about life without clothing, but living in North West Pa. isn't conductive to the naked- at- all- costs life style. As much as I enjoy being naked during the warmth of summer, I also enjoy hiking in a snow storm dressed in specialized clothing that lets me ignore the elements.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I fall into the nude when practical group. Mostly.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

We live naked as close to 24/7, 365 as we can. When it's cold, we warm up the house. We don't need it 78 degrees to be warm but still warm enough to be comfortable and naked. Sometimes, we'll put on a flannel shirt, socks ... maybe one and not the other. Being as naked as possible, whenever possible is how we prefer it and we adjust heaters and A/C units to accommodate our preference to be naked and comfortable. It's our choice and it's everyone else's choice to do what is right for them. ;-)

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

Great feedback.
Of course the freedom to enjoy whatever suits you in your home is paramount. I enjoy nature so I try to watch my energy usage. I have a television set and I use it, as well as a nice audio setup which run nearly 900 Watts between the two, but I can't bring myself to throw another 600-1800 more on top of that to run a small area heater when I have other options. Just as some would tell me I should ditch the electronics too and read a book if I am serious about environmentalism I cannot tell people not to run their heaters.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

We all do what's important to us and conserve in many other ways. Just cuz a person uses their heater to heat their home doesn't mean they don't conserve or are wasteful with energy. You also have to take into account where people live. : )

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

"Nudist" versus "naturist" :-
I'm a nudist when nude in my private home or garden, but a naturist when naked in the public countryside or on a beach.
I suppose that I could be an "exhibitionist" when undressed anywhere and everywhere !

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

But getting back to Hardcore vs Practical nudity ... we have always used "nude when possible, clothed when practical" as our "motto." You can be nude/naked many, many places and doing many things but reality is that doing some things, it just isn't practical to be nude and therefore, clothes are needed or required. When they are not, we are nude. When they are ... we are dressed. Not sure where the "hardcore" comes into play. In my opinion, if someone is "hardcore" they are naked/nude "always" and there's just no way for that to happen, in all honesty. ;-)

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

Here in the North East of Italy the winter is a little bit cold so i can't be nude all the time.
I love being nude at home in summer.... in winter i sleep with with a tshirt but during the day i have to wear clothes :(

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