Nude gay male get togethers in London

I'm alone for the next ten days and would like to have some 1-1 meets and maybe a couple of all gay male nudists get-togethers for some mutual fun and stimulation. Please reply to with your details and when you could join in. Naked Hugs, R7

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RE: Nude gay male get togethers in London

If you want 'mutual fun and stimulation' I suggest you advertise elsewhere, this is a breach of Truenudists terms and will get this group banned.

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RE: Nude gay male get togethers in London

Whatever he wants to do is up to him. The point is not to advertise it on here. It's against TN rules and they crack down hard on this sort of thing. Why should I put this group at risk of being closed down for someone who won't follow the rules. I should add that I don't make these rules.

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RE: Nude gay male get togethers in London

I hear what you say but this is not simply a nudist site. Members advertise all sorts of interests on here and I am not referring simply to sexual matters or leanings. What frustrates me, as a 100% straight person, is that Groups that should be asexual, for instance camping or hiking, actually turn out to wholly gay affairs. I would prefer to know from the start what my fellow campers or hikers are in their sexuality and for this I applaud his honesty.

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RE: Nude gay male get togethers in London

I'm sorry to return to this subject so soon after my last post. You say "this is a breach of Truenudists terms and will get this group banned". I have perused Section 8. Content/Activity Prohibited of the Terms and Conditions and can find nothing that could be construed as supporting your statement. Everybody derives enjoyment from a particular activity and there is no reason in my view that they should not be allowed to say so, provided it does not descend into the realms of illegality or criminality. After all, membership of this site is restricted to over 18s and no adult should be offended by what is, in blunt terms, mutual masturbation between gay men! They may not like it but that is another matter.

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