End of summer garden

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. I spent much of the afternoon pulling up the plants that I babied all spring and summer long. It was a good harvest year and it's always sad to see it end. The good news is that it was a warm and sunny day so I go to do it all nude and even enjoyed an outdoor solar shower afterwards.
So how did you all fare this year (and I'm jealous of all you in the southern hemisphere that are just starting now)?

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RE: End of summer garden

yes summer is ending...
we have 19 deg, but sun is not more warm ...
my "Feuerahorn" gets red - a sign for frost coming soon ..
on monday i was nude gardening for some winterplants - last time this year ???

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RE: End of summer garden

Here in the Florida Panhandle we had a very wet summer. My tomato harvests were way down. I am able to grow over the winter so greens, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and the like are in. Winter gardening is nice here because the bug situation is so much easier. We have some cool days, but there are several days suitable for nude gardening even if it's only for an hour or 2.

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RE: End of summer garden

It is truly a sad day when the days get shorter. A winter garden is not nearly as much fun as a summer garden. But at least I get outside. Does anyone know of a organic cure for stink bugs? They are destroying all my squash and pumpkins.

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RE: End of summer garden

In Estonia we had very nice and long summer, good to different plants. My gardening season ending with planting tulips bulbs. I have nice collection different varieties.

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RE: End of summer garden

It is truly a sad day when the days get shorter. A winter garden is not nearly as much fun as a summer garden. But at least I get outside. Does anyone know of a organic cure for stink bugs? They are destroying all my squash and pumpkins.I have had some success with Neem oil for getting rid of the squash bugs. I do try to capture as many of the adults and eggs be wrapping duct tape sticky side out around my fingers and getting rid of them that way.

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RE: End of summer garden

neems oil is very good preparate!

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RE: End of summer garden

That's interesting because once I get the stink bugs the only thing that gets rid of them is colder temperatures . I have tried replanting and they destroyed those as well. I guess I just have bad luck with these Chinese imports. Thanks for the advice.

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