Facebook norms

What are the picture norms of Facebook? They have deleted my nude photos as well as those photos where I covered my private parts with strategically placed objects though it could be understood that I was nude.

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RE: Facebook norms

I have posted here 5 photos (Moderator, please approve them so that everybody can see them) which Facebook has deleted. Don't they conform to Facebook rules?

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RE: Facebook norms

What are the picture norms of Facebook? They have deleted my nude photos as well as those photos where I covered my private parts with strategically placed objects though it could be understood that I was nude.any form of nudity is not allowed on facebook. all photos will be deleted and you will be issued with a warning from the administrators.

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RE: Facebook norms

What is the definition of nudity as per Facebook authority? How do private parts covered photos count as nudity?

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RE: Facebook norms

Sonachand plzz give ur facebook Id i like too keep friendship with you

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