Welcome to University of Arizona students 2013
Since we started this group just as most students were off on summer break, we would like to offer you the opportunity of starting a UofA nudist club that meets on Sunday afternoons at our (close to campus) home of two acres. This is an opportunity to try the nudist, clothes free, naturist or whatever term people now think establishes their interest in the lifestyle by whatever name you wish to call it. The main thing is this is a chance to experience social nudity in a safe environment and without any dues or costs whatsoever.We have an outdoor swimming pool, indoor pool table, wireless internet, dogs to play with, intellectual discussion on subjects wide and varied, or just hang out and do homework, listen to music, catch a few rays, watch football, or play on Playstation 3 (soon version 4), but with the freedom of being naked (which is an awesome feeling once you've experienced it).The how,whatand who are all determined by you, the nudist newbie, or not. We are open to suggestions, as we wish to make this your club as much as possible.