RE: What's on your mind?

My first job after being discharged from the USAF in 1948 was collecting for a bookie. But he died.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Now I know why we're on the same wavelength.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Birds of a feather etc. etc.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Horses for courses.

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RE: What's on your mind?

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

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RE: What's on your mind?

Of course the horse on the course is a horse,but mine are running off course more than on course.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Of course that is a horse of a different color.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Of course the horse off course is a different number to the horse on course.

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RE: What's on your mind?

OK, Enough horsing around.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Christmas Day - The Happiest Day of the year. Around the world you hear the happy cries.
"It's Over!" "It's Over!" - "Thank God - It's Over."

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