RE: What's on your mind?

What did Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, & Minister for the Civil Service, David William Donald Cameron do?

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RE: What's on your mind?

What did Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, & Ministerfor the Civil Service, David William Donald Cameron doSame as the rest of the shower of shite, SFA.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Politicians will be politicians.

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RE: What's on your mind?

I use to be a people person, but people ruined that for me.

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RE: What's on your mind?

I have nothing against people, so long as I don't have to meet them.

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RE: What's on your mind?

My ex wanted to spice up our sex life. She suggested we pretend to be strangers.
I asked, Who do you want me to be? She replied, Anyone but you.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Scars are like tattoos with better stories.

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RE: What's on your mind?

I just realized I never heard anyone say, "He died in his nap."

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RE: What's on your mind?

Why do we assume somebody died in their sleep ? Unless you are wacthing, you don't know if the person woke up and then died. The correct statement should be: he died in his bed.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Just don't die in your Mistress' bed

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