RE: What's on your mind?

Are there any fictional characters whose death you will never recover from? Ever.Charlie Harper - recently from Two and A Half Men.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Today is one of those days when I feel lazier than the dude who designed the Japanese flag.

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RE: What's on your mind?

I need a new computer.

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RE: What's on your mind?

A big game hunter friend of mine was bragging about his kills and said,"don't worry, when I hunt I use every part of the animal." You know who else uses every part of the animal? The animal.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Did you ever get the feeling that the world is getting overpopulatedwith idiots.

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RE: What's on your mind?

Lady Gaga

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RE: What's on your mind?

waiting for my iphone to hurry up and download the new upgrade

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RE: What's on your mind?

What's on my mind is the seal I'm about to break on the bottle of "Sailor Jerry" (spiced rum) :P
Is Friday afternoon here in in Asia WooHoo :)

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RE: What's on your mind?

Love is like a fire. Whether it will warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.

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RE: What's on your mind?

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