RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Certainly not as daring as some of these stories and I probably would not do some of those things, anyway, but ... each time I have an opportunity to be nude out in our front yard ... I take advantage of it. This early morning was an opportunity not to pass up. I've been having trouble sleeping and so I'm up earlier than most of the housing tract. I was on the computer, heard the newspaper drop the newspaper on the driveway, turned off the porch light and walked out to get the paper. I then sat on our glider on the porch and enjoyed the cool morning air. The only thing that would have made it better ... a lot less people driving their cars to work, off in the distance! : )

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Today, I live nude 24/7 on my very private 35 acres, and occasionally, a neighbor or one of his renters will drive by ad see me nude, but there really is nothing daring about that. I leave my clothes in the house all the time, and to be truthful, putting them on while venturing on my property, never even crosses my mind. I hike in the nude from my property, work outdoors nude, and never put on clothes. There is a canyon a half mile from me, and I will often walk nude down my fence line, which continues on to my neighbor's property, to the canyon and circle around on another path or hit the neighbor's access road to return to my house, but again, that is not risky. I have even crossed the main road to venture on to the Colorado National Monument land to hike to its canyons nude, but again, this is a section of the monument without public access, so there is no risk.
However, back in December, my electricity went down. I live off grid, and my batteries failed, then froze, then cracked, and so I had no way to live without electricity (even the water pump for my cistern works off of electricity, so no water, no flushing the toilets). So I had no choice but to rent a room from a guy in town until I could redo my system. I didn't want to merely replace the old batteries, as I decided to bring them indoors out of a shed and into my laundry room. But that involves retrenching to run new wires, and constructing a new battery box that was sealed and vented to the outside (hydrogen gas is explosive, and the batteries off gas when charging), and so it was not until June that I was able to get that work done. But while renting this room, I almost always remained nude, and would venture into the kitchen when I knew no one else was at home or late at night when everyone else was asleep. I would also walk into the backyard nude to retrieve items from my truck or to take out the trash, all in site of neighbor's homes, but it was always dark.
When I live did California, in Norco, I would go nude in the backyard all the time. But I only went nude in the front yard at night. My attitude is similar to Andy's in that I do not want to offend anyone. But on occasion, I would take my bins out to the curb at night in the nude, or retrieve the bins in the nude, and check my mailbox. Norco is actually a cowboy town, and as such, we did not have sidewalks, but trails in front of the house. We also had them between our houses in the backyard, and I would often walk this trail at night nude, and go as far as the trails that ran along the Santa Ana River That was always fun. But for now, I love my nude life up here in Grand Junction, Colorado, and cant imagine living anywhere else nude.
Have a great nude day everyone!

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RE: outside and in the garden topless

I had a fantasy that finally became a liberating reality. I move to my current apartment 14 months ago. I live on a busy street(during the day). It's difficult to engage in any type of public nudity. Last week in New Jersey we had very hot and humid week.In the wee hours of Wednesday morning. I woke up. the time was 4:15AM. I got a drink of water. After that, I went to my living room, and I looked outside. The street was quiet and the skies were still dusk. That split second, a thought entered my mind to go outside in the nude. My started to race a little after the thought. I had some trash to through out and across the street, there was a trash can. Seeing that trash can, was more of my motivation to venture outside. I then went to my bedroom to get my keys as well as put on some shorts and sandals. (My non nudist room mate, was sound alsleep, as I attempted my dare). I went tinto the hall way of my building, I removed my shorts and left them by my door. I quietly went down a flight of stairs. I open the door. I heard a car approaching my direction. I remained inside the hallway until the care passed. As I went outside, my heart began to race a little more.I looked in both directions. Next thing I knew, WOW! I was outside.! I walked across the street to discard the trash I had into the trash can. After that, I walked back across the street to my house. As I got to the other side, I heard a car approaching. I was gratefull that there was a telephone pole and I did my best to hide behind it. I was also greatful that, it was still dark outside. The car that arrived at the stop sign,( I guess), didn'realize I was partially hidden behind the telephone pole. After that car made it's let turn, (on my street) and drove away, i felt relieved. I then, decided now that I made it across the strees to discard trash, why not walk a square block. I successfully walked the 1st block without any problems. As I turn left to the next block, (parelle to my block), I noticed a light on, either from a parked car of from a house. A few seconds later, I continued to walk, (The motor to the car was not running & there was not a driver in the car). to th car, the light was shining out from a garage window. I felt discreet and safe so I continured my walk to the end of the block. As I turned left to the next block, (a short walk leading to my street), I heard a car approaching in my direction. I blended into a neighbors shrubery until the car passed. As I turned on my block, I my house was three houses down. As I reached my house, Here comes another car. This time I hid in my driveway. After that care passed, I finally made it to my door step. As i let myself in, I feelings was elated. A tear actually came out of my left eye.A total of three cars I had to dodge. I look foward to having a second experience (during the summer months), sometime soon.
photographic proof required

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RE: outside in public naked

great stories guys. when i was in high school i run through my neighborhood nude at 3:30 till 4:30 nearly every morning. usually kept a pair of running shorts in my hand. only bother to put them on when i saw a police car coming my way. it was a quiet neighborhood at that hour. i lived on the corner of one of the main streets and only a short block from the other. standing in my back yard i was equidistant from the two throughfares and my street.
i would leave the house through the side door facing the lessor throughfare, cross the lawn and the street to start my run. i would pass the elmentary schools on the opposite corner and continue to circle the school. down the back side foe 8blocks to the back of the neighborhood, circle around 4 blocks to a main highway (nearly always seen here) threee blocks to the next residential street. back one block and then paralell to the highway for 12 blocks, crossing the main street behind my house and coming up to another highway only a block from the police station and city hall. Across the highway nnther four block to the airport property turning and paralleling the runway along the perimiter fence for approximately eight blocks. most of the streets did not go through to the airport perimiter. turning back toward my starting point. ten blocks to two additional schools down the atrwet between thwm to a drainage canal two more block down the canal to a footbridge crossing used by all three schools mentiomed. back up two blocks to the back of the first school across from my home.
the total distance approximately five miles. rain or shine in any degree weather above 45 F. below that, i was just too cold to run without a sweatshirt.
i'd return home shower and get ready for school.
this continued for three years. i was only stopped by the copa.twice. i had seen the police car soon enough to slip my running shorts on. i was asked if i had seen a nude man running through the neighborhood. i replied no sir. we had a conversation about why i was running so early in the morning and went our ways. the other time i was stopped, i was crossing by the police station and was seen, but not clearly. when they caaught up to me, i manage to slip my shorts on as i got close to the airport property. we had a discussion for several minutes. i admitted to nothing. being evasive but honestly answering all questions at least partially.
the obvious question thyy asked was were you naked running thriugh thw neighborhood. my answer... No, i had clothes.on and hhinking to myself socks and shoes...

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RE: outside in public naked

I may have related this story on other threads, but if so, please forgive me. I travel quite a bit. One of my most recent travels took me to Little Rock Arkansas. It was late at night and I had had several drinks, so I decided to take a walk. My car was parked in the back lot, so I went to it and took off my clothes leaving them on the car and just walked around a little. Feeling more confident, I decided to walk all the way around the hotel. It was great and I enjoyed it. Got back to my car to pick up my clothes and head back into the hotel. Was about to open the hotel door when I was met by a hotel employee who was very angry with me. He had spotted me on a security cam that I did not realize existed that was focused on the back door of the hotel. I slipped my clothes back on and went back to my room scared to death he was going to call the police. I even packed my bags and made ready to leave, just in case. But nothing happened. Anyway, it may be a long time before I do that again. Still, it was quite thrilling. Oh, and it was 2 a.m. so I really didn't expect to run into anyone else.

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