I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

I had a fantasy that finally became a liberating reality. I move to my current apartment 14 months ago. I live on a busy street(during the day). It's difficult to engage in any type of public nudity. Last week in New Jersey we had very hot and humid week.In the wee hours of Wednesday morning. I woke up. the time was 4:15AM. I got a drink of water. After that, I went to my living room, and I looked outside. The street was quiet and the skies were still dusk. That split second, a thought entered my mind to go outside in the nude. My started to race a little after the thought. I had some trash to through out and across the street, there was a trash can. Seeing that trash can, was more of my motivation to venture outside. I then went to my bedroom to get my keys as well as put on some shorts and sandals. (My non nudist room mate, was sound alsleep, as I attempted my dare). I went tinto the hall way of my building, I removed my shorts and left them by my door. I quietly went down a flight of stairs. I open the door. I heard a car approaching my direction. I remained inside the hallway until the care passed. As I went outside, my heart began to race a little more.I looked in both directions. Next thing I knew, WOW! I was outside.! I walked across the street to discard the trash I had into the trash can. After that, I walked back across the street to my house. As I got to the other side, I heard a car approaching. I was gratefull that there was a telephone pole and I did my best to hide behind it. I was also greatful that, it was still dark outside. The car that arrived at the stop sign,( I guess), didn'realize I was partially hidden behind the telephone pole. After that car made it's let turn, (on my street) and drove away, i felt relieved. I then, decided now that I made it across the strees to discard trash, why not walk a square block. I successfully walked the 1st block without any problems. As I turn left to the next block, (parelle to my block), I noticed a light on, either from a parked car of from a house. A few seconds later, I continued to walk, (The motor to the car was not running & there was not a driver in the car). to th car, the light was shining out from a garage window. I felt discreet and safe so I continured my walk to the end of the block. As I turned left to the next block, (a short walk leading to my street), I heard a car approaching in my direction. I blended into a neighbors shrubery until the car passed. As I turned on my block, I my house was three houses down. As I reached my house, Here comes another car. This time I hid in my driveway. After that care passed, I finally made it to my door step. As i let myself in, I feelings was elated. A tear actually came out of my left eye.A total of three cars I had to dodge. I look foward to having a second experience (during the summer months), sometime soon.

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Well done.
The first time is the worst and once you have done it you will want to do it more often. Yes I love to do the nude late evening walks to help cool down before I go to bed.

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Sounds very empowering, I guess you will want to to it again and again!!

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Good for you! Its a very liberating experience which I've done sev times, around 3-4am and its great on a warm summer's night to walk the neighbourhood wearing just a smile! As long as you aren't flashing simply walking naturally dressed should not be misconstrued!
Take care be bare to the morning air! This pic was at 5am in the local High St, before they got cctv!

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Sounds very empowering, I guess you will want to to it again and again!!That is so true. After the first time we get more and more adventurous.

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Well done.The first time is the worst and once you have done it you will want to do it more often. Yes I love to do the nude late evening walks to help cool down before I go to bed.Since living at this apartment, This was my 1st experience. I have done nude walks at previous apartments.Thank you for you imput. Have a good NUDE week.Marc

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

I venture outside in the buff all the time ... in our backyard, and occasionally in the front yard. I do it because we live naked most of the time here at home. If I'm going to do something and there's the slightest risk of being seen, then I slip something on. We're not exhibitionists and prefer not to expose our neighbors to our nudity out front. If we are in our backyard and they peer through the trees, bushes, over the walls and fence, look into our backyard from their upstairs windows ... THEY are the ones invading our privacy and they are peeping toms. When I do venture out front in the buff, it's very late at night or very early in the morning. I've taken our trash cans out, gotten items out of my truck, picked up the newspaper ... but I've never been seen or if I have been seen, the neighbor/neighbors took into account that I wasn't out there to flaunt my nudity in front of them. But ... depending on who reads this and how they interpret what I do ... they may have a different opinion. ; )

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

I venture outside in the buff all the time ... in our backyard, and occasionally in the front yard. I do it because we live naked most of the time here at home. If I'm going to do something and there's the slightest risk of being seen, then I slip something on. We're not exhibitionists and prefer not to expose our neighbors to our nudity out front. If we are in our backyard and they peer through the trees, bushes, over the walls and fence, look into our backyard from their upstairs windows ... THEY are the ones invading our privacy and they are peeping toms. When I do venture out front in the buff, it's very late at night or very early in the morning. I've taken our trash cans out, gotten items out of my truck, picked up the newspaper ... but I've never been seen or if I have been seen, the neighbor/neighbors took into account that I wasn't out there to flaunt my nudity in front of them. But ... depending on who reads this and how they interpret what I do ... they may have a different opinion. ; )Greetings AndyDi.Thank you for your comments. Going outside in the nude, the best time to experience it is late at night. In fact, I will be taking the trash out shortly, (in the buff). The garbage bags will camoflage my body, if a car happens to drive by. I have been outdoors previously. Living at my current place, privacy is very limited. The back yard is strictly for parking. It's very open for all to see,(no fences and bushes). Going outside a few mornings ago felt great. I happen to live on a busy street.., cars are passing by as I write this note to you. Either way, It's a dare for me this evening.You take care & thanks again.Marc

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

People don't get up early on a Saturday. So Iwent outside the front of my house to trim the roses this morning in the nude.

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

I don't think either of my neighbours would mind if they saw me nude but I am not going to put it to the test, so it is always dark when I go into my front garden nude and when I go for the late evening after dark run I take my shorts with me so I can hold them up to hide it until I get past the farm where after that nobody will know me so the shorts can be put down in a gateway and if somebody sees me what happens at times just too bad.

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RE: I ventured outsid in the "Buff"

Had a bout of insomnia a couple nights ago. I ended up just getting up. I grabbed my lightweight baseball jersey and unbuttoned it and walked down to the mail boxes to get the mail we hadn't gotten in a couple days ... it was 4 am! Even the "outside dogs" wouldn't wake up for me walking down the street! I was barefoot and naked except for the open shirt. Every once in a while I'll see a cop car driving by at that time but have never encountered anyone on the street at that time so it's pretty safe but ... I do keep that shirt on just in case. I enjoy the freedom of walking the streets naked but do NOT want to expose myself to anyone intentionally. As far as the trash containers go ... it's almost an automatic. I take them out late at night and most times I'm naked or I wear that jersey. Been seen a couple times and I just act as if it's normal and no one's complained or called the cops but I'm sure they would if I walked down the street to get the mail that way and they saw me! That's the reason for doing it only during those times I'm certain no one will. :D

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