RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I'm more a nudist than a naturist, I like being naked, I don't particularly care if others see me naked. I don't flaunt my nakedness at people though.I love being naked in water, it does excite me at times in the sea when the current washes against my penis, but I try and wait for it to go down before leaving the water. I just don't like the feel of wet clothes against my skin I guess.
It also doesn't bother me what other people do when naked, I'm a person of the world and each to their own is my motto, if two people of consenting age want to get intimate, as long as they aren't screaming the heavens down, then good for them.
In all walks of life you will get 'stalkers', whether clothed or unclothed.
As to the ones that moan about the 'meerkats' at beaches, you're naked, people will look, just don't let them get to you, I look at it as a compliment that people want to look at my nakedness. ;)

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

We, like some others, are nude whenever possible and nude at home almost always. We live nude, have nude day visits to clubs, the beach and resorts, we get away for weekends and vacations to nude places and always prefer to stay at a nude venue as opposed to a clothed motel or hotel but can't always do that ... so we adapt and enjoy being nude in textile environments when we can, like our room. When it's possible, we travel nude, like when we drive someplace. We have nudist friends. They are our closest and dearest friends and we get together at least twice a year, only because we live in different states and one couple is from Canada. If we were all closer, geographically, we'd probably all live together! hahahaha We are all a combination of both nudist and naturists. Here in the US, many, many nudists/naturists use both terms interchangibly. IWE don't just go nude, exclusively, in nature but we love being naked in nature, but we also just love being nude, like now. She is piddling in the kitchen and I'm on the computer. We are always nude when possible. We recreate, we socialize and live nude. That's the kind of nudists we are. :D

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

Sounds like you two live a happy, nude life :) I was not raised a nudist, I can't remember having seen my mother naked and my father only a couple of times in the swimming-hall. I don't particularly like being naked together with men only. Being naked is something that does good for my body and soul, and being naked with others create strong bonds between people. I would guess nudists also feel the difference between for example camping nude with nudist friends and doing the same clothed with non-nudist friends. For various reasons I have not had very good relations with my parents, and I have sometimes thought this situation would have been better today if there had been more nudity in the house when I grew up.

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I try to be naked as much as possible but my living situation stops that so I have to do it when there is no body else about or try to find somewhere else to do it.

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I guess that I am just a regular male nudist that spends almost everyday naked during the spring, summer and fall.I live on a farm and can be nude anyplace i want to.

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I'm a finally out of the closet nudie :) and loving it.

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

just a naked nudist

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

Nudist/Naturist..... To me...... just a person , be woman or man. A person whom prefers to be without clothing...Period...

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I really enjoy being naked as much as possible. I'm married with kids and although the wife doesn't mind me being naked, and she'll join in depending on the temperature of the house, we stay clothed around the kids. This summer we've spent quite a few wonderful afternoons sun bathing nude by the pool and taking a nude dip in the water to cool off.
When it's just the two of us around we can spend the whole day (at least as long as the kids are in school) without a stitch of clothing on and be quite happy.
I've only ever been to one nude beach when I was over seas, but I'd definitely be game for it here in the states.

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RE: What kind of nudist are you?

I would call myself a social nudist. Yes I like to be nude as much as possible but I prefer being with other people when nude. Strange as it may seem, when I'm wearing clothes I find that I'm very much of a loner.

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