Nude guys in Europe

I am an American guy living in Florida now and will be travelling extensively in Europe summer 2013. If you have any ideas for travels, meeting nude guys, let me know. I have lived in Europe several times before. Parlo Italiano, Hablo pochito Espanol, Ich mchte auch Deutsch lernen. My interests are varied, mostly historical, cultural, food & wine, ESPECIALLY meeting nice people.

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RE: Nude guys in Europe

Ciao Shaun,Non credo che ci sia una regola contro l'uso d'italiano in questo sito, quindi ti scrivo cos.Sono Tim e abito a Ferrara, citt degli estensi, luogo storico e interessante.Se ti trovi da queste parti, potrei ospitarti da me per qualche giorno.A presto,Tim

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RE: Nude guys in Europe

I am an American guy living in Florida now and will be travelling extensively in Europe summer 2013. If you have any ideas for travels, meeting nude guys, let me know. I have lived in Europe several times before. Parlo Italiano, Hablo pochito Espanol, Ich mchte auch Deutsch lernen. My interests are varied, mostly historical, cultural, food & wine, ESPECIALLY meeting nice people.

I dont live in London but being a couch surf member, am often able to offer nudist friendly crash space in a historic city in NW UK that has easy access both to the coast and also bigger busy cities like Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester with all the naturist facilities that they offer.

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