Isn't the management funny?

Funny peculiar, not funny ha! ha!
I posted this photo to my profile and waited to see if it would be approved:

I was very pleased with the result - it was approved. It was approved as "clothed".
How different is that one from this one?

You've guessed it - the second was approved as "nude". A few square centimetres of shiny Lycra framing the top of my bum makes me "clothed".
Life's little mysteries!

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RE: Isn't the management funny?

I submitted a photo once and had it rejected. I submitted it again the next week and it was approved. Go figure!

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RE: Isn't the management funny?

I've had several pics refused. I just get another one. I sgree with the comment about the magnifying glass as the bit they are looking at in my pics is small. I guess they reject many because they are too sexy or ,in the case of a man, show an erection. I remember being told that the test for an erection was if it does not hang down like the Mull of Kintyre in the map of Scotland ( west of Glasgow). One time I was being photographed by my female host and something started growing. I thought I haddn't picked any erection shots but management must have thought something was a bit bigger than it should be and refused the pic.
This pic was orrigionally classed as clothed:

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I love this one!

This an approved pic on a member's profile. Sharp detailed photo, full frontal, shaved, legs slightly apart, clear focus of attention on the genital area. And what a genital area! Plump outer labia, inner labia crinkling through and a hint of where her vagina would be if her legs were a little further apart. I think it breaks most of the rules!
I am dead jealous because she is stunning, but I am also very glad she posted that photo and got it approved.


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Further Irony!

This an approved pic on a member's profile. Sharp detailed photo, full frontal, shaved, legs slightly apart, clear focus of attention on the genital area. And what a genital area! Plump outer labia, inner labia crinkling through and a hint of where her vagina would be if her legs were a little further apart. I think it breaks most of the rules!I am dead jealous because she is stunning, but I am also very glad she posted that photo and got it approved.PamelaThis girl's profile is one which the TN hierarchy choose quite regularly to place on the opening page of the TN website as a come-on for new members.
Might there just be a hint of hypocrisy at the top?

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It gets worse!

I have been watching the "come-on" profiles put up by the TN management on the sign up/login page of TN.
For days now there have only been female profiles there.
since the vast majority of TN members is male, and TN declares that nudism is entirely separate from sexuality, how can TN claim to be appealing genuinely to its sexually-uninterested male majority by means of advertising which uses nude women as its major attraction?
Is this hypocrisy? Is this merely for financial gain?

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Twice more!

Two more of my posts to the group photo page have been deleted recently.
I have put one of them back, but I am putting it here also just in case:

Evening Sun

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RE: Twice more!

Amanda, you say you are not offended by the odd erection pic. That is how it should be. Erections can be spontaneous and natural. Flaunting them or playing with them makes them sexual. I guess the powers that be here must have a measure on the (small) size of my penis. Any sign of enlargement gets the pic banned even thought it is still pointing down. At least that is more consistent than another site I'm on They allow erections but only if a woman is holding or doing something with it! And TS allows them - even close-ups of an erect penis as long as there is a face in the pic too.

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RE: Twice more!

" I am in the process of trimming down my friends and its funny that the member i speak to the most is not even in my list".........I find that when I try to start a conversation with my "friends" very few bother to reply. One of the benefits of this group is really getting to know a few interesting people. You are right that few of the people in this group are on my friend list.

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RE: Twice more!

" I am in the process of trimming down my friends and its funny that the member i speak to the most is not even in my list".........I find that when I try to start a conversation with my "friends" very few bother to reply. One of the benefits of this group is really getting to know a few interesting people. You are right that few of the people in this group are on my friend list.I have noticed that as well, Flyguy - my friends list is almost irrelevant to me. I am a firm believer that to make any sense at all, a profile has to be open to everyone, so mine is just that. If I see something in a profile such as "Friends only" or "Certified only or even, can you believe, "Certified Friends only" I get an overwhelming sense that this is someone I do not want to know anyway!
When I approve group members I always check the profile, and I never approve anyone until I have seen it. I also check group membership - there a lot of very unsavoury groups on here and I certainly would not want their members in this group.

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I say yes to that!

I just wish more group members would post upinput andinteresting pics here more often.Yes, let's have lots more photos posted on our group page.
I have posted 5 already today!

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