Need help with video problem
We uploaded 2 videos of us making nude snow angles and people tell me they don't play. When I check them on my profile they play just fine, but everyone says they have to hold their pointer on it and it plays like a slide show and if you click on it it says it is a bad link. I have also noticed this when I try to view videos on some other profiles. I have uploaded the files as .MOV, .AVI and .WMV and when converted none has played. The ones I have on our profile now were uploaded as .MOV files. Do I just keep trying to get one that will work? Is there something wrong with the video section? Can anyone offer some advice?Thank you
You're not the only one with the problem. I would let TT1 and/or TT2 know. User MHarris has the same problem. My video plays fine, but does not do (and never has done)the preview thing. I think a change was made to how videos are processed, and it's not working correctly.
John aka cobeachbum