Doomsday Survivor's Celebration 12/22 - South Carolina
What are the fees required to attend?
Members' cost is $2/person, our normal event fee plus something for potluck supper. Those welcome to attend are obviously, Travelites in good standing, AANR and/or TNS member of other clubs, and prospective members who have returned applications and met with us. Since we're bringing you into our home and property, we like to make sure people are there for the right reasons. We are nudists; first, last, and only.
I'm telling everyone who is preparing to leave the earth on the 21st to drop off there valuables at my house by the 20th. I will keep them safe.
Did anyone take you up on the offer? We survived beautifully, and this morning we enjoyed french toast, bacon, OJ & coffee along with our Alexandria, VA club member who got here a day early and won't leave till Sunday.