RE: Single males

Once again:
Not challenging your ideology.
Only that in the real world, it doesnt apply. And if I am not wrong , Cuddlebutton explained to you.
And for your point that women in a nudist setting are not looking for sex: I AGREE , but too many men ARE!
By the way , in our small notlanded club they have a very strickt policy about that , so very few times they accept single mens or women, always after an interview with the comity.
And even there we had an incident. What incident? A single men who didnt left alone a single women until there was an intervention needed! ( needless to say , as far as I know , he is gone now!)
The damage done to this lady is already done.
And PLEASE , dont tell me she shouldnt be judging single men from now on. WHY SHOULDNT SHE?
Stick around for a month. See the reality here ( which is very very controlled comparing to other sites.)
Than well talk about it again for now , not going to keep arguing about that subject anymore.
Try also paying a visit to a nudist beach, check the reality of what happens there where there is no control.( once again , its not a sex fast , just pay attention when there!)
See how some men ( not all) behave!
And remember: yes , exceptions always exists but we live in a generalized world.
Good thing? Maybe yes , maybe not. But thats the way it is!

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RE: Single males

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

You said you don't want to argue anymore, and honestly, neither do I. I just want to say that's you're just hearing what you want to hear. I did not say that women in a nudist resort are not looking for sex. I said that nudist resorts were not established for the purpose of having sex. There's a huge difference and I don't know how you connected the two. Even if you don't want to argue, I will respond to your statements because I'm still here and I'm willing to continue talking to anybody who's interested. Also, the following statements do not apply only to you, but also anybody who wants to use your arguments.
You're basic argument comes down's okay to judge all single men and that's that. I've been publicly humiliated too, as I said before, but I did not have the right to make generalizations. Furthermore, this woman who was harrassed. You don't understand that if she weakens herself to stereotype, she lets this jerk who harrassed her win. Do you think that by stereotyping, she becomes a winner. Isn't becoming stronger the real victory, rather than living in fear and ignorance? September 11 was a very traumatic experience. But if that doesn't give us the right to judge Middle Eastern people that certainly doesn't give a woman who was bothered by one guy the right to judge all single guys. What's really funny in all this is that if a guy is nice, nobody would ever think that all guys are good and trustworthy people. Why? Because that would be foolish. But apparently its not foolish to think that all guys can't be trusted because of one?
I advise you to be careful. Today you defend this attitude, but one day it might happen in a way that you're not ready to accept as justified. This kind of attitude also leads to measures that are more extreme than anything happening on this site.
Anyway, I'm still here if anybody wants to say anything.

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

"check the reality of what happens there where there is no control"
I never said there should be no control. There always needs to be rules that are properly enforced. I'm saying that clubs, and nudists, should try a little harder. Exercise their brains a little bit and watch a man's conduct rather than just say, no single men.

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

Thanks for the ref, Jen.
Lots of good stuff there !

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

And thanks to NudeinMa for linking them for me! (Just didn't have time this morning before I rushed off to work) Really excellent, well written articles.


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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

Will read those two articles that were linked by NudeinMa. I have printed them for reading at my leisure.
This subject is fraught with generalizations (the belief that many are that way means all are that way).

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

They are very good articles.

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

Will read those two articles that were linked by NudeinMa. I have printed them for reading at my leisure. This subject is fraught with generalizations (the belief that many are that way means all are that way).
The trees!!!!
The trees!

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RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

Tell me where you can find a single girl who is into nudism in a nudist park. SIngle women in nudist camps dont exist.

Yes, they do. They are also at nonlanded clubs. Travelites has a few as do some of the clubs, landed and non-landed that we visit.
Hugs & happy holidays,

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