Favorite type of medium

What do you like you like to work with most? I prefer sculpture and photography, but I would like to try painting.

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RE: Favorite type of medium

I tried some foam carving a while back and had encouraging results. I can see where it would be very useful for people using oilclay and want a bulky armature to save on clay. But with the proper finish, probably something like spackleing or joint compound it could be a good medium by it self. Does anybody else have experience?

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RE: Favorite type of medium

I saw some sculptures recently that were made from paper mache, and very good. It really changed my mind about paper mache being basically a material for kids' crafts. The price sure is right. Also I found that simple laundry starch make great glue, again cheap and no mixing. Perhaps we could put together a workshop if people are interested andour new want to be models could break the ice on trying to pose. Any thoughts?

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