RE: Nudity outlawed in San Francisco

The fact that naked people wear cockrings or any other jewellery or adornment should have no bearing on this argument. My stance on nudity is that it is the way we are born and the most natural thing in the world. Genital skin is not much different to any other skin. Fear of nudity is totally illogical. So if you say wearing cockrings is rude then so is wearing earrings because it draws attention to your ears? Stupid argument. It seems that many nudists posting here are still hung up with their own perception that nudity = sex.While I can agree with you in theory, in practice it's not about what *we* think, and our perception, it's about what *they* think, and *their* perception.
One could argue that wearing a Nazi SS uniform into a synagogue is "just clothing" or a white hooded sheet to an NAACP rally, but whether or not it is "just clothing" to the wearer is not the argument.
The San Fran board of supervisors voted according to their own perceptions, as expected, and as I predicted a few years ago on this very website.

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RE: Nudity outlawed in San Francisco

I wouldn't worry about it too much. With the moderation and flagging now, most of NiMA's profane posts are removed.

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RE: Nudity outlawed in San Francisco

It's a public forum where you are grossly outnumbered, yet you deign to conduct an ugly private rant between you as if you are in a private room behind closed doors but, yet, at the same time let it all hang out in all it's unseemly grossness.I know you simply don't get 'it'. But to me, and I suspect others, both already revealed and hidden, it is all blatantly obvious.What more can I say?Totally agree. TN really does require the ability to block others in forums so that we don't even see their posts at all. I stopped visiting the forums some time ago because of these individuals who both seem to be competing to achieve the most number of posts with over 5,000 posts each. Not EVERY post and comment requires their input turning nearly every forum thread ugly.
Expecting more insulting diatribes.

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RE: Nudity outlawed in San Francisco

Oh Curt.Apologies for not responding to your post before now. I didn't realise until reading MoW's latest terse riposte that it was actually MANDATORY.The only things mandatory are death and taxes. Apologies, though unwarranted, are accepted.
//snip// some good stuff. On topic, worthy of thought, and potential comment, until we get to...And the crunch is that you, MoW, NiMA, and even sort of sweet Cheri are crusaders, evangelists.
and thereafter, at which point I realize where this would likely go.
Not willing to engage in an additional off-topic flame war ( there's more than way too much of that already ) I slink quietly into nothingness as far as this thread goes.
Discussion, yes. Debate, sometimes. Personal attacks, insults, flames, pass.

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