If you were a Moderator for a day
Start by deleting mockery of posters and of their beliefs and affiliations - such as the use of misspellings and insulting nicknames for persons, parties, and religions.
Delete posts in one thread that make negative reference to posts or posters in another thread.
Delete posts that come down on newbies for newbie mistakes. Almost daily, someone new makes a forum post before completing their profile, on a topic that's been discussed before, and gets slammed with "another blank profile" and "that's already been answered," or worse. Well, it's new to them, and if you can't respond kindly, better not to respond, unless they're clearly beyond the terms and conditions.
Delete posts that come down on newbies for newbie mistakes. Almost daily, someone new makes.
Yes, I agree. I was pretty shocked by some of the disgusting comments made against newbies.It's why I was ready to give up on here after just a few days.
I'd personally tally the names of people who have been flagged or reported for the childish argumentive comments on the forum and block their ISP.
If you could moderate for just one day, what would you do to improve this site?
When using the forums, please follow the following rules. 1. Be polite, even during controversial topics, name calling is not necessary or constructive. 2. No promoting products or services on the forum. 3. Please keep the forum non-sexual. No erotic stories or topics. 4. Please do not respond to insulting or rude comments, these only prolong the degeneration of the forum. Flag the comment and continue the discussion as if it had not happened.
I would probably try to counsel civility in all manners. I would speak to those who are rude, with insulting, invective, or hurtful comments. And, if they didn't restrain, they would be dealt with. I wouldn't be such a prude about "crotch" shots on chat. We're all adults here, if someone doesn't want to see something, stop looking. And, most importantly I would suggest the use of the "ignore" feature. Why get into a pissing contest with someone else. Just ignore them. Bullies and assholes go away if they can't get a rise out of someone. I am probably more liberal and less offended than some. But, that would be my approach.