Nude bowling on the 10th

Hi folks, Those of you near the greater Portland area might want to participate in a great low key fun event put on by Hidden Springs. Nude bowling. Check out their web site and while your at it the other clubs in Oregon. ... enough promotion for the clubs.I'm Hugh, 65 yo with 67 yo lady friend, we are members of a few local clubs, we enjoy talking to other nudists, especially folks our generation... sorry youngun's but you are too busy ... we get tired just watching you live lol.... we would love to live in a nudist community full time but don't want to move to Florida or Arizona, nor freeze our tails off in the mountains around here. The sunny (well pick your date range and it is true!) central Willamette valley would be ideal for a small community of nudists.... Millersburg/Albany? Would love to chat with folks about ideas for shared nudist living. Have a great day! Hugh

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RE: Nude bowling on the 10th

It would be nice to have a nudist park closer to Corvallis that the Willamettans...

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