RE: The Constitution of the United States

A few more from other sources...Just looking around
More lies.
Yet more lies.
That may be or may not, but which parts? How? Sources? I'd say that all sources lie or twist things, but it's a matter of picking out what is true. Picking out truth requires time, so unless someone was on the ground at that time, with knowledge from both sides, they are only speculating and really don't know what's going on.
Yet another something...

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

There are truths, half-truths, and lies.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

The notion that Obama "played up" the video is so inane. It wasn't even mentioned until the riots started and that was only to make the statement that the views expressed in the film were not those of America. Except for Bruce.Obama and his regime officials lied about the attack in Benghazi by dishonestly linking it to the video when they knew that there was no such connection.
Why do you think they did that?Again, sources? How did the know there's no link, and what sources/facts back this up?.... Perhaps, the administration would connect it to the video to make it appear that's the only motive? Or that it's only the work of pissed off protesters, and not some extremist, or group of them?

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

There is no non-corporate media. Unless you mean blogs.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

It was known at the time from witness statements. The security guards at the scene confirmed it. It was all over the non-corporate media.It was a military style attack. There was no demonstration.By whom remains to be seen but I suspect that if it was Libyan loyalists the powers that be won't want that made public. It wouldn't fit in with the 'liberation' propaganda fable. Better to blame it on fake 'islamists' and keep the whole anti-muslim pogrom going.Do you have links to this information? By whom is going to be the interesting part. If done in military-style attack, it could be a few different possibilities.
1. By Libyan forces (also part of reason I brought up ex-Libyan govt/sympathizers earlier)
2. 'islamists' - considering there are those with military-style training. (guess who they may have learned from...)
The part where they mention these things are what stood out to me.
We do need a boogeyman...Provides with a scapegoat/distraction/something to keep us in a perpetual state of fear. But if no blame is given there, why bring up the retaliation and protests instead of simply saying it was the work of islamists (to help carry on the anti-islamist thing)?

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

There is no non-corporate media. Unless you mean blogs.Could also refer to non-mainstream media. There's quite a bit out there: independent companies (not corporate, though), freelance journalists, bloggers, plenty of people who spend countless hours researching.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

You can find it if you look around. I'm not going to post links here. The security guard interview was widely reported outside the US.The corporate media is just not credible. They are propaganda channels, stenographers, cheerleaders for the corporatist war agenda. Not just in the US either.Now they're drumming up more wars against Syria and Iran, then onto China/Russia. It's nuts.Til found, I can't really say much on it. I just ask for links to read the same material that others read. Each report may differ. Mainstream anywhere is bad for that. Truth, half-truth, lies. It's up to the reader to find out, and not just go along. It wouldn't surprise me. We've been meddling in Iran's affairs for some time, which should be well-known about by now, along with Russia. China and Syria wouldn't surprise me, either. No telling what's done in China and Syria.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

Here is a great example of American exceptionalism. Between 1969 and 1975 the U.S. bombed the shit out of Cambodia killing hundreds of thousand civilians. They so destabilized the country that Pol Pot was able to take over. And during the Reagan years, his administration funneled 86 million in aid to Pol Pot and his supporters. He killed over a million and a half of his own countrymen. Good foreign policy there. Just like Noreiga in Nicaragua. You install a dictator, and then ten years later have to wipe him out.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

There is no non-corporate media. Unless you mean blogs.Could also refer to non-mainstream media. There's quite a bit out there: independent companies (not corporate, though), freelance journalists, bloggers, plenty of people who spend countless hours researching.
The media megacorporations, and there are just 6 of them have nearly all the market, are owned by the richest .01% and their corporations. They operate to continue their owners' privileges and scams. They're all tied in with the big banks, big oil, big defence, biotech, big pharma etc.
Have a look at Project Censored.
Yup. Only a handful of main ones. Many feel that since there are so many sources out there, that there is choice. That way of thinking is totally wiped out when you do some investigating to find that even those small-town sources are just a part of a bigger source...and then you follow the chain upwards.
For example, look at News Corp, and Time Warner, which own Fox News and CNN, respectively. Then, look at other companies owned by these corporations. It's amazing how much of our media is controlled by only a few. What makes it more complicated is that even two networks that appear "against each other" are owned by bigger corporations that have joint ventures in other companies. They work together to a nice extent, but it boils down to money.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States
Just an interesting little tidbit...
I didn't pay much attention to the last part, but...Just to watch someone admit something like that openly and with confidence is amazing to me. There is confidence that people won't take to heart what is said about purposely manipulating things, and knowing that there will still be a following.

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