There's a fantastic reporter for the CBC called Terry Milewski who was given the hideous task of following Stephen Harper on his last campaign. Any time he asked a question that Harper didn't want to answer that was shouted over the scrum, Harper's paid goons were ordered to drown him out. It was something to see on the national news and shameful.
Unearthing duplicity and wrongdoing by the powerful is, or should be, the primary task of journalists.
It used to be but that is no longer the case. Because of the role that they once played, they were called the "Fourth Estate" or the 4th branch of government. We no longer have reporters who report just the facts. They all want to be commentators with their own spin on everything they cover.And if you did a timeline you would no doubt find that with the advent of Fox News the entire "business of news" changed forever.
Did you ever wonder where the concept of Fox/Faux News originated? Nope, it wasn't with Murdock. It was originally proposed to President Richard M. Nixon to be an unfettered voice for the Republican Party. Nixon did not think that anyone would cough up enough money to get it off the ground. He also thought he would never be caught breaking into Watergate, but that is a different history lesson.
Unearthing duplicity and wrongdoing by the powerful is, or should be, the primary task of journalists.
It used to be but that is no longer the case. Because of the role that they once played, they were called the "Fourth Estate" or the 4th branch of government. We no longer have reporters who report just the facts. They all want to be commentators with their own spin on everything they cover.And if you did a timeline you would no doubt find that with the advent of Fox News the entire "business of news" changed forever.
Did you ever wonder where the concept of Fox/Faux News originated? Nope, it wasn't with Murdock. It was originally proposed to President Richard M. Nixon to be an unfettered voice for the Republican Party. Nixon did not think that anyone would cough up enough money to get it off the ground. He also thought he would never be caught breaking into Watergate, but that is a different history lesson.
What I find more interesting are the comments left on the page....But...
Just the first thing I found on it. Going to dig a little deeper for copies of documents for a closer look and research.
There are brutal acts of violence and calls to arms in the old testament and the apocrypha. Can we assume that you can literally translate the Koran accurately? There are far more peace loving muslims than there are violent extremists. The same is true of christians. But you cannot grant that fact to muslims, can you?
I don't think Gollum has much knowledge of Muslim history. Between the 10th and 14th centuries, Muslims basically civilized Spain. They brought more invention, science, culture, and intellectual knowledge than any other culture and peacefully co-existed with Jews and Christians. Until the Catholic church decided that they must have supremacy over all of Europe and drove them out.
I do hope this clears up any doubt that Nima is rather shameless in his attempts to name call and belittle.
He started to clear that doubt up himself to me from the start with his first post. His last little rant added a little more clarity. This made it crystal clear.
I know quite a few journalists with more ethics than that.
Would you please give us some names? I'd be happy to seek them out for some honest reporting. I'm particularly interested in knowing the names of individuals associated with the major American networks.
I know quite a few journalists with more ethics than that.
Would you please give us some names? I'd be happy to seek them out for some honest reporting. I'm particularly interested in knowing the names of individuals associated with the major American networks.
Independent journalists:'s possible. Major networks: not really....