RE: Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Thats funny, but it sounds like something I would do!

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RE: Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Good story barein10tions. From the depth of my heart I am so so sorry for your loss.

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

YES, of course. For indoor painting I do wear a hat and latex gloves. The paint goes on much better in a hot room. Plus with COED friends in the room the painting goes much faster.

For outdoor painting... I do body painted people at a couple of nude events every year. the one that has a bunch of photos on the internet is the Seattle Fremont Solstice Art Parade. I typically paint about 30 people each year at the Solstice Parade. I like to paint super hero couples. The group I paint for is the Solstice cyclist a we have about 900 members. About 90% of the males go painted completely painted nude while 60% women go painted nude while the rest are topless.


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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Yes, I've done several rooms that way, kind of makes chores more bearable being nude, and you can just wash off paint platter in the shower instead of ruining more clothes.

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Just sanded the drywall in the room I am finishing. I was nude for that and will be nude for the painting as well. I was even nude for sanding and applying the finish on the hardwood floor in that room. The sander and vacuum generate a lot of heat and it was much more comfortable when i was nude compared to wearing just shorts and a tee shirt.

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Got that room to the painting stage and did all the priming and painting while nude. When my hands get oily or greasy or have paint on them, I tend to wipe them on my pants. That is if I am wearing pants. Right now my legs have numerous gray and white splotches on them.

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

Wow, it seems like a lot of painting is done nude, who knew. I stained an outdoor shed a few summers ago nude and i thought i was the only crazy one!

How did you avoid being seen by neighbors?

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

this fall i was able to spend several days over a few weeks' period painting our large outdoor deck in the nude. we have a rather secluded property but rent out the property next door so i could only paint in the nude when we had no renters. i used an oil based paint so clean up was a bit more difficult than just hosing down with latex paint. but the weather was warm and i was happy to do the job without the burden of clothes.

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

I have always said Luann being an artist would paint the world if she could. She always paints naked in our home as she typically wears a lot of paint when she when she is done. Watched all weekend and yes she needs to shower the paint off her when done. Now she is wanting to paint a plethora walls I silly me thought were still all good to go. Oh well for me it's good to watch :D

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RE:Has anyone ever painted a room while nude.

I have always said Luann being an artist would paint the world if she could. She always paints naked in our home as she typically wears a lot of paint when she when she is done. Watched all weekend and yes she needs to shower the paint off her when done. Now she is wanting to paint a plethora walls I silly me thought were still all good to go. Oh well for me it's good to watch :D

Di's not a good painter. I do all the painting and like always, I'm naked while doing most everything around here. She does, however, do a really great job of watching while naked! She critiques, brings me drinks, usually grabs a wet wash cloth and wipes the paint off my butt when I back into a freshly painted wall (which is usually quite often). She's tried painting but doesn't like it much. Can't complain when you have a naked helper! ;D

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