nude drawing workshop

I've been kicking around the idea of having a nude figure drawing workshop some Saturday this fall/winter in Des moines or Ames area. Is anyboy interested? It would be the "east coast awareness method" that means nude models and artists.

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RE: nude drawing workshop

Wife and I would be interested but I can't draw to save my life!

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RE: nude drawing workshop

I know an art instructor in Ames who does workshops. He says it costs about $100 in all, studio rent and such. So 8 people at $12 each. We could each take turns posing to save on model fees. Everybody needs to do at least 5000 bad drawings before they get something worth keeping. So let's get started and get them out of the way.

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RE: nude drawing workshop

Getting serious about trying a figure drawing workshop in Ames in February. Any interest?

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RE: nude drawing workshop

Would people be more interested in changing the drawing workshop to a figure photo shoot?

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RE: nude drawing workshop

Let's try it again. Is anybody interested in going to a nude figure drawing workshop? Beginners welcome, everybody is a beginner at sometime. We can take turns posing if that is more of your interest. Location would be in Ames. We could design the event around the interests and the skills of the people who sign up. Let's hear your thoughts on the subject.

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